Operations Analyst (Bank|Up to $4k)

The Opportunity

  • This is an exciting opportunity to work for one of the leading banks.
  • It is an opportunity for an experienced Operations Analyst to join their team


The Job

  • 1. Provide the full support to T&M on liquidity management
  • 2. Good interpersonal skills
  • 3. Accounting and reconciliation knowledge will be an added advantage
  • 4. Daily tasks are performed on timely and accurate manner to meet SLA
  • 5. Support project, provide analysis on large database and do the necessary updates

The Talent

  • Strong communication skills, risk and control mindset and leadership skills
  • Independent and motivated to excel

Next Steps

  • Drop your resume and contact us to follow-up, or send your resume to jayden.tan@adecco.com
  • Email Topic: Apply Operations Analyst
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Cecilia Sim Xin Yang

EA License No: 91C2918
Personnel Registration Number: R22105099

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Registration No.198500164K
EA No.91C2918

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