Administrative Officer| School |West Coast Road

WSH Experts Pte Ltd
Posted 30d+ ago
Job Description

Job Description & Requirements
The scope of services required are set out as follows:

1. Front desk reception duties such as answering/ transferring phone

calls and attending to walk-in parents/ students / vendors

2. Issuing of keys to staff if require the use of special rooms

3. Record details of and attend to students who are unwell at sick bay

4. Contact parents if student is unwell

5. Record details of students who leave school early due to sickness

and/or medical appointment and ensure that the early dismissal form

is filled up

6. Record details of Lost & Found items in the “Lost & Found” file and

track the movements at the end of every school term.

7. Receive delivery items and inform staff for collection from General


8. Collating list of students who have yet to collect testimonials

9. Manage the movements of school uniforms on loan to students.

10.Prepare signages for events and labels for rooms

11.Distribute mailers and any other materials required

12.Count food coupons for payment if required.

13.Perform other ad-hoc administrative duties when required

Job Requirement


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WSH Experts

Consulting Services101-1,000 employees

WSH Experts Pte Ltd established in Singapore to provide integrated services to the industry. We provide wide range of services to all the sectors. We are dedicative and having capability to provide the best innovative solutions to satisfy your needs. Our Team has the global expertise with local experience to assist the organizations. WSH Experts team constitutes of experienced professionals who have many years of experience in various industries. Our robust end to end HR and staff management plan will assist on every steps of the recruitment, deployment, contingency, Transition, performance monitoring and successful project completion

Company information

Registration No.201805323R

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