Customer Service (ATS) Executive - (Product Costing & Product Development)


  1. Inventory Management


  1. To generate monthly Inventory Status Report after ATS Monthly Closing. To analyze and propose quantity to purchase to management, in consideration of healthy inventory level
  2. To perform Purchase Requisition on a monthly basis for 2 Wheeler products. 4 Wheeler products, packaging material, and other indirect material
  3. To analyze on warehouse inventory movement, incoming shipment estimated date, manage Open Purchase Requisition status with the Procurement Department
  4. To perform the SAP system, maintenance by fill up the Item Master Maintenance Form, if any change is required
  5. To prepare Delivery Instructions to planners not later than 3rd week of the month, and to monitor the output on a daily basis

2. Product Costing, Sourcing and Product Development

  1. To work with Business Development on New Product Development required to increase sales of ATS
  2. To perform product sourcing, request quotation from supplier, product costing, and monitor on the product development progress to ensure all the development being monitored and according to development schedule
  3. To perform Part Price Change Approval Form (PPCA) if any, and ensure SAP price being updated on a yearly basis
  4. To perform Selling Price Approval Form (SPEF) if any, especially on new product pricing, and ensure SAP price being updated on yearly basis

3. Distribution, Shipment and Warehousing

  1. To generate picking slip for Picking and Packing and pass to warehouse personal. To ensure all picking list being done prior to transporter collection
  2. To fill up gate pass form for approval, when there is any outgoing goods to customer/delivery. To ensure all gate pass documentation are updated on daily basis
  3. To perform Sales Allocation for 2W and 4W customer, when it is required. ATS HOD will then decide on the necessity
  4. To perform delivery order and invoices for delivery (all ATS parts), documentation matching, as well as filling of ATS transactions on a timely basis. All delivery arrangements must issue Delivery Order using SAP
  5. To perform transport arrangement and reservation for all ATS parts, to be delivered to respective customers. Transportation arrangements to be performed across all 3 plants related to ATS delivery
  6. Transportation planning to be reserved 3 days in advance, in consideration of Minimum Requirement of the trip, to reduce transportation charges
  7. To verify parts and quantity after warehouse team completed picking activity. To witness and confirm on the quantity to be loaded in transport
  8. To print package label and ensure warehouse team members prepare packaging material to suppliers. To monitor the operation of warehousing
  9. To perform SAP system analysis on ATS sales related activities
  10. To monitor and manage inventory level of ATS parts, and neatness of warehouse. To manage warehouse team to perform monthly cycle count after closing
  11. To prepare documentation related to audit purposes, and participate in Stock Take activities
  12. To study and propose cost down ideas or improvement plan to HOD
  13. To carry out any additional task which is required by ATS HOD from time to time



  • Academic Qualifications – Diploma, Degree, and above in Business Administration, Marketing
  • Experience - 1 to 2 years experience in data analysis,product costing, warehousing and inventory management, preferable SAP system user, fresh graduate
  • Key Skills/Knowledge – Computer literacy
  • Preference Language: Malay, English, Mandarin (proficient in Mandarin is an advantage)
  • Possess a valid driving license

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Company profile

Company Logo for Armstrong Auto Parts Sdn Bhd
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics101-1,000 employees

Armstrong Auto Parts Sdn Bhd was established in 1978 to supply components for locally assembled Honda motorcycles. The company has since then growth and expanded its activities to supply parts to other motor vehicle assemblers and also non motor customers. As a member of the Armstrong Group of Companies, we supply quality products to our customers who are some of the world's automotive leaders. In line with our expansion plans, we are seeking talented and committed individuals to join us in our quest to be the Supplier of Choice for the automotive and engineering companies.

Perks and benefits
Allowances and other benefits

Company information

Registration No.197801003516,40501-M

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