Administrative Executive (Partnership)

People's Association (PA)
Posted 18d ago
Manage Office Administration
  • Provide secretariat support.
  • Compile reports, submissions, meeting agendas and follow-up actions.
  • Organise Group/Division activities (e.g. staff events).
  • File, manage and support records/documents.
  • Maintain records inventory.
Manage Procurement
  • Put up and manage procurement through Electronic Business (GeBIZ)
  • Monitor, execute, track the publication/award/contract variations/options. Examples raising approval of requirements, issuing Purchase Orders (POs) and publishing quotations/tenders and awards for goods and services.
  • Handles procurement operations such as issuing POs, performing good receipts to ensure proper procurement of goods and services and facilitate payment to external parties.
  • Performs good receipts to ensure proper procurement of goods and services and facilitates payment for DA contracts.
Administer Common-based Programmes
  • Manage projects such as CDC Vouchers student engagement and other common-based programmes.
  • Update and consolidate progress reports.
Develop and Execute Social Media Strategies
  • Assist to implement, and manage our social media strategy to increase brand awareness and drive engagement.
  • Assist to identify trends in social media space to develop content on short interesting videos imbued with the messaging to draw interest and engagement.
  • Assist to increase followers in the social media channel e.g. TikTok.
Assistant to Senior Director
  • Schedule meetings and do coordination work

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Company profile

People's Association

Government & Defence1,001-5,000 employees

The People's Association is a statutory board promoting racial harmony and social cohesion, nurturing leadership, providing community services and outward bound training and facilitating communications between the Government and the people.

The mission is to promote active citizenship and multiracial harmony, connect the citizens for community bonding and volunteer work, provide affordable access to lifeskill and lifestyle activities, and to bring people closer to one another and to the government.

Company information

Registration No.T08GB0041E

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