Acre Works Sdn. Bhd. (Singapore Branch)
Posted 2d ago

Job Description

1. Schedule – Based on project schedule, develop weekly, fortnightly and monthly targets. Responsible to ensure that schedules must be resource loaded and to include output and to formulate a recovery plan urgently to mitigate delays if it occurs.

2. Method Statement – To study/ develop method statements and make necessary modifications when necessary. To ensure our site supervisors and subcontractors understand and adhere to the intended construction method and sequence.

3. Control and reduce material usage and wastage control to contain and reduce project expenditure without compromising the quality requirement.

4. Report site progress weekly to Project Manager to keep the Management informed the latest progress of all projects in hands.

Job Requirements:

1. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering recognised by the PE Board or qualification acceptable to the Commissioner of Building Control.

2. Min. 5 years related experience in the construction industry.

3. Relevant experience with Viaduct Bridge Construction (Transit or Highway), with hands on experience dealing with bridge equipment in supervising launching girder or segment lifter.

4. Experience on supervising precast segmental bridge launching (Preparation of lifting plan and managing the ragging crew for the bridge erection).

5. Working knowledge and application experience with structural analysis design program and AUTOCAD.

6. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

7. Positive attitude such as self-motivated, responsible and ownership of his/her work.

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Company profile

Acre Works

Construction11-50 employees

Company information

Registration No.T19FC0012A

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