Early Years Teacher (North-East)



Do you have a passion for working with young children and take pride in their learning journey? Do you enjoy being well supported with programme specialists and support team as you focus on your class? We are looking for passionate early years and preschool educators / teachers who will help us realize our vision of giving children the best start in life.

If you have always believed that there should be quality preschool in the heartlands, Busy Bees is the place for you. Offering an impact-driven curriculum and located in the heartlands, Busy Bees promotes a unique, fun and experiential learning journey. We also provide quality childcare as one of the Partner Operator centres.


As one of our preschool teachers, you will manage a class in teaching and routine care responsibilities. You will guide the class of children under your care to:

• Plan and implement curriculum and programmes appropriate for the child’s development, including identifying emerging trends to keep innovating. This includes developing initiatives, practices and learning materials to enhance quality of learning environment

• Build collaborative stakeholder relationships and partnerships, amongst centre staff and families we serve.

• Manage family and community programmes as we believe in contributing back to the community we are in

• Conduct routine caregiving and always looking for improvements to deliver better quality and service

• Uplift professional practice in promoting our vision, mission and values and innovating to deliver high quality service standards

Job Requirements:

• At least a EY1- L1 Certificate in Early Childhood or Diploma In Early Childhood – Teaching.

• Strong communication skills - spoken and written English, or Chinese (for Chinese Curriculum Language Teachers).

• Strong interpersonal skills, work with all levels of staff, professionals, parents and families, and community partners from diverse nationalities and cultures.

• With or without teaching experience; but highly motivated, energetic and passionate about promoting children’s learning and development.

• Proficient in Microsoft Word.

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What can I earn as an Early Childhood Teacher
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