Quality Assurance Executive

Quality Assurance Executive

  • Handle all customers feedback on product issue / damage (Mattress / Lifestyle product)
  • Identify the root cause of the damage / issue.
  • Provide monthly report to OM / Finance on the root cause and any claim involve 
  • Discuss with supplier on the rework / claim if require and inform OM / Finance Monthly
  • Provide all photo of damage / issue to supplier for discussion and how to improve in future
  • Conduct QA check on incoming shipment 
  • Provide feedback / advice to customer service Team on customer issue
  • Decide if damage / issue item can be repair or exchange
  • Arrange export back to supplier for rework or return item 
  • Arrange disposal for damage item
  • Assist in cycle count in showroom & warehouse
  • Other ad hoc assign

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Singapore?

Company profile

Company Logo for Four Star Industries Pte Ltd
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics101-1,000 employees

Four Star Industries is one of the oldest mattress brands in Singapore. Four Star was founded in 1968 with a commitment to high standards, continuous innovation, and attention to detail. We started out as a furniture retailer, then became a mattress manufacturer, then a mattress wholesaler, and now a hybrid retail/wholesale entity that offers mattresses and serves as a one-stop furniture solution provider. We are one of the largest bedding retailers in Singapore with over 40,000 sq ft of showroom display area and we are known for our technologically advanced mattresses, which has been providing customers with better sleep for many years.

Company information

Registration No.197600667N

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