Class 4 Driver (East & West)

Class 4 Driver

Location: East & West
Salary: $2500 to $2800

Working Hour:
1. East, 5.5 days/week
- Monday – Friday: 7am to 4pm
- Saturday: 7am to 11am

2. West, 5.5 days/week
-Shift1: 7am to 4:45pm
- Shift2: 5:30am to 3:15pm


  • Collect and deliver cargo safely while following traffic laws.
  • Ensure loaded cargo matches the assigned load and report discrepancies.
  • Secure cargo properly and update delivery/collection status.
  • Maintain vehicle cleanliness and upkeep.
  • Perform island-wide deliveries and other assigned duties.


  • Valid Class 4 Singapore driving license.
  • Familiar with Singapore roads.
  • Able to operate a 24FT Box Truck (OMO).

Elitez & Associates Pte Ltd 20C0426
Ng Wan Ern R24121362

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Company information

Registration No.201715234Z
EA No.20C0426

Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Singapore?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Heavy Rigid Driver?
  • How much notice are you required to give your current employer?

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