Posted 21h ago

Client Management 

  1. Manage all customer touchpoints, including servicing of queries, updates, or claims, in partnership with the relevant departments such as Customer Service.
  2. Liaise with Hospitals and Clinics for medical appointments or reports retrieval.
  3. Preparation, submission and follow through on client matters, when required. Ensure closure for each case and document accordingly for record purpose.
  4. Generate quotations, when required.
  5. Enable scheduling and enquiry capability – review work processes and adjust for efficiency and effectiveness.    

Others  

  1. Ensure confidentiality when handling all personal data.
  2. Filing and organization of online folders to ensure optimal search and retrieval, when required.
  3. Scanning and filing business documents, when required.
  4. Review and updating customer database (microsoft excel included) to ensure effective capturing of data.
  5. Preparation of Planning Templates.
  6. Pre-Onboarding and Onboarding of new sales representatives.
  7. Ad-Hoc : any other duties which may be required.

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