Foot Reflexologist / Hairdressing / Manicure

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Posted 1d ago

discussing with the customer, plan a manicure in keeping with the customer’s wishes and the needs of their skin, taking into account changes in the skin and nails and the customer’s state of health and allergies

  • determine the condition of the customer’s skin and guide the customer to a specialist if needed
  • use products suitable for the customer correctly and safely, drawing on their product knowledge
  • use implements and methods suitable for the manicure correctly and safely
  • massage the customer’s hands using classic massage technique
  • care for the customer’s nails and skin almost following the plan and varnish the nails, ensuring customer satisfaction with the end result
  • finish their work almost within the agreed time
  • guide the customer in using home care products
  • serve customers in a friendly manner
  • recommend and sell products and services to customers

To perform foot reflexology treatment following the established protocols, and allotted treatments. Explaining foot reflexology, treatments, and therapies to guests. Explain the knowledge and the method of health preservation and acupuncture points of the human body, provide foot & body massage services.

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