12 last minute job interview tips to help you succeed

12 last minute job interview tips to help you succeed
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

Preparing for a job interview generally requires planning and significant research if one wants to do a thorough job of it. But what do you do if you don't have the luxury of time, and a mere 24 hours to prepare for the interview? It rarely happens, but when and if it does, you'll want to be able to prove your flexibility and resourcefulness in performing under pressure.


Take a deep breath. All you need to do is focus and prioritise. You can cover quite a bit of ground within 24 hours if you know what to look for and where to find it. Here are 12 last minutejob interview tips to help you knock it out of the park:


24 hours before

Drop everything else and focus on preparing for the interview. Take the day off work if you have to (and can). As mentioned earlier, prioritising is key when you're working against the clock. You don't have time to scour the web at leisure.


#1: Zero in on the following key information about the company:

a) Philosophy & values

b) Work culture 

c) Leadership style

d) Challenges & goals

e) Trending news


Here's how you find out the information above:

a) Go through the company website and social media profiles

b) Review customer interactions on the company's social media accounts and look at how the company handles those interactions

c) Read up online reviews by current and past employees 

d) Google for media coverage or trending news about the company


#2: Make a list of questions to ask during the interview

Keep your questions focused on topics such as:

a) Company growth strategy and long-term vision

b) Goals and challenges faced by the department you're interviewing for

c) The company's work culture, and

d) Expectations of you if you're hired


#3: Anticipating the hirer's questions for you is equally important.

Here are some sample questions for your quick reference:

7 Common Interview Questions And How Best to Answer Them

4 Job Interview Questions for Overqualified Candidates, Answered

7 Unexpected Questions You Get Asked At Interviews (Infographic)


12 hours before / The night before


Assuming that you've done a thorough job of tips #1, 2 & 3, you'll want to take it easy the night before the interview. Don't stress about it too much, or you might have problems falling asleep. That said, here are a few last-minute preparations to squeeze in before you call it a night.


#4: Do a quick revision of your prep notes. 

Reading them out loud will help commit them to memory, but don't over-rehearse. You want to remember the facts, but still sound natural during your interview.


#5: Get a good night's sleep.

We can't stress on this enough. Getting a good night's rest will ensure that you wake up refreshed and feeling good for your interview.


#6: Prepare your interview outfit.

Pick out your outfit and make sure it's neatly ironed and ready for the interview.


#7: Determine the best route to get to the interview.

Check out the best route based on the time of the interview, and plan to leave early, with sufficient buffer time for unexpected traffic or navigation issues.


#8: Set multiple alarms to be safe.

If the interview is in the morning and you're one of those who has problems waking up early, setting multiple alarms will be essential.


The morning of the interview


If your interview is in the morning

#9: Wake up early. 

You want to be up early enough so you have time for a relaxing breakfast and then leave for the interview with plenty of time to spare, rather than rushing around and showing up flustered and nervous.


#10: Listen to relaxing music on your commute.

Whether you're driving to the interview or taking public transport, listen to some relaxing tunes to stay calm and focused.


If the interview is in the afternoon

#11: Stay away from garlic, beans or food that might cause indigestion for lunch.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Play it safe and stick to non-problematic food for your lunch. Eat something light to avoid drowsiness from a heavy meal.


30 minutes before


#10: Wait at a nearby cafe until it's 15 minutes to your interview.

You should already be in the vicinity of the office, but don't go in until it's 15 minutes to your interview time. Showing up too early might put unnecessary pressure on the interviewer to see you before he or she is ready, which wouldn't be a good start.


#11: Focus on what you want the interviewer to remember you for.

Go over the top three things you want to impress upon your interviewer. Maybe it's your likeability or extensive experience, or your clear communication skills. Whatever the three qualities are, go over them in your mind as a focusing exercise.


#12: Check your appearance in the restroom.

Do a last-minute check of your appearance, take a breath mint if you need to, and most importantly, breathe.


And there you have it, our 12 last minutejob interview tips to help you knock that interview out of the park. It will be intense, not unlike cramming for an exam at the eleventh hour, but it's all part of the job-hunting experience. Good luck!


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