4 out of 10 Singaporean did not receive a salary increment in 2017

Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022


SINGAPORE, 23 April 2018 - According to the Job Outlook Report released by JobStreet.com, approximately 44 per cent of Singaporean employees did not receive any salary increment last year. The survey that involved 400 Singaporean employees across various industries is aimed at offering candidates and hirers insights on market trends and salary benchmarks.

infographic - job outlook


Top three company benefits employees want

The survey also found that health insurance, extended medical coverage for family and flexible working plans are the top 3 benefits that employees want. However, less than half of the employers surveyed currently offer either of these benefits. Employers can consider including these as a staff benefit to improve staff engagement and talent retention.


Job Outlook - Most desired company benefits icons


Improved sentiments about job market

The survey also revealed slight improvements in job-market sentiment amongst hirers and candidates. Candidates expressed hope that foreign and local companies will set up or grow their businesses in Singapore, which will in turn engender an expansion of manpower. Only five per cent of hirers expect a total hiring freeze, an improvement from last year's 21 per cent, with intentions to hire mainly for replacing or filling essential positions.

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For media enquiries, kindly contact:

Jaslyn Low Amanda Moo

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