Stress management tips for call centre and tech support professionals

Stress management tips for call centre and tech support professionals
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

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Working in a client-facing role, whether that's in technical support or at a call centre, can be as challenging as it is rewarding. There will be days when you're bombarded with endless calls from angry customers and days where you interact with the nicest customers ever. Whichever it is, being mindful of your mental and emotional state will help you manage your stress levels and stay calm and focused.

Here are six simple but effective stress management tips to help you stay relaxed and level-headed at all times:


#1 Prioritize

It's easy to get overwhelmed when the customer is unloading their grievances on you and expecting an immediate solution. The key to maintaining your sanity is to prioritize your next steps. Focus on the key issue at hand and what you need to do to pacify the customer. Take it one step at a time and remember that in most cases, the customer just wants to be heard and understood. Showing them you're doing your best will put their minds at ease.


#2 Stay organised

Being organised in your daily tasks will ensure you stay on top of things and prevent overlooking important details. This in turn minimises any potential mistakes or inefficiencies that might create additional stress later.


#3 Be objective

When dealing with an irate customer, bear in mind that their grievance is not personal, even if it might feel that way. Staying objective will help you resolve the issue much more efficiently as you will be able to look at it from a neutral perspective. A calm approach will also help soothe the customer much more effectively and assure them that the matter is in capable hands.


#4 Take up contact sports

If you do feel the need to punch someone at the end of the day however, go for contact sports. Take up boxing or muay thai classes and learn some self defense skills while getting much-needed stress relief. Going a few rounds with a punching bag will do wonders for your state of mind.


#5 Leave work at work

Being able to switch off when we leave the office is key to a healthy work-life balance. While it's easier said than done with our mobile lifestyle these days, it's essential that we disconnect from work as much as possible when we're at home so we get a chance to unwind and rest our minds.


#6 Work smart, not hard

One of the common causes of stress is work overload. When we're tired we tend to make mistakes and get agitated more easily than if we're well rested and clear minded. If you find that you're struggling to cope with your workload, you might want to review your approach to work. Are you making full use of the digital tools at your disposal to increase efficiency? Can you streamline your work processes so they're simpler and more efficient? The trick is to get more done with less effort so you can eliminate unnecessary stress.


The above notwithstanding, the simplest stress relieve technique is to simply breathe. The next time you start feeling agitated or overwhelmed, hit pause and take a few deep breaths. You'll feel much calmer. Getting away from your desk and stepping outside for some fresh air will help clear your mind too.


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