The New Normal in Job Seeking Amid Uncertain Times - Q and As Answered

The New Normal in Job Seeking Amid Uncertain Times - Q and As Answered
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

new normal in job seeking

With more companies implementing a hiring freeze and more job losses expected amid the current COVID-19 economic downturn, how do we navigate the new normal in job seeking?


As part of its new initiative to help job seekers navigate their way through this uncertain period, Jobstreet has partnered with Workforce Singapore and Moms@Work to discuss about"The New Normal in Job Seeking Amid Uncertain Times".


While various topics are touched on, there have been some burning questions by the participants, and here are the answers! For our full webinar recording, click here.



What is the minimum pay cut/reduction we should take when looking for new opportunities?

Here are 3 tips to help you understand salary expectations in a new role or new industry:


  • Do your market research

Know the current salary range for the industry of your interest with a quick online search or by asking around to better position yourself without being short-changed.


  • Determine a salary range that you would be comfortable with

A good way to start would be for you to think about your commitments and set a range that you can accept. If you are not comfortable with a salary outside of your range, it might be best to give the opportunity a miss instead.


  • Present your best self during the interview

Interviews, whether virtual or in-person, are often what makes or breaks your chance at successful employment. Carry yourself professionally, dress appropriately, and most importantly, be real.



I'm told that I'm overly qualified or not suitable for the job. How can I convince employers?

You can approach this by "answering" or allaying the fears that a prospective employer might have about you.


#1 Employers concern - Your expected salary range

What you can do: Employers might assume that they do not have the budget to match your asking salary. One way to go about this is to clearly define your career objectives and weave in the message of a negotiable salary because of the nature of the job, the transition, or whatever other reasons that might justify your decision.


#2 Employers concern - Will You Stay?

What you can do: Hiring can be a tedious process that causes unnecessary disruption to the business, and all employers hope to retain full-time employees in the long-term. To allay their doubts about your longevity in the company, it is paramount that you convey your drive, determination, and passion for the position you're looking to be employed in.




Advice for Stay-at-home moms, mid-career workers and freelancers re-joining the workforce?

Pro tip: Tailor your resume to the jobs cope and industry you are applying for!


For Stay-at-home moms & mid-career workers

Employers concern: "Employee is not as relevant as he or she used to be, will he or she a good fit?"

What you can do: Upskill yourself with courses and relevant experiences that can be used to beef up your resume that is relevant to the industry of interest. This could be in the form of volunteer work that can help build your portfolio.


For freelancers 

You can structure your resume in a way that boldly highlights your transferable skill sets. This way, it helps employers easily identify traits that they are looking for.



I have been applying for jobs without much success, I believe my age is an issue. Any advice?

Here is something for you to think about - "Age is not a barrier, the mindset is". Often, what we believe about ourselves becomes our reality. So, change how we think about our age and reframe the overall personal brand message that you want to convey to employers.


However, we cannot discount the fact that employers all hold certain positive and negative biases, and age might be perceived as a barrier. From an employer's point of view, there are two fears with regards to mature job seekers.


#1 Employers concern - Relevance as a contributing member

What you can do: In a time where change is the only constant, continue to keep yourself up-to-date on the latest trends, issues, and developments in the industry you're looking to get employed in.

#2 Employers concern - Adaptability

What you can do: Building on the issue of relevance, employers would like to be assured of your willingness to learn new things, work with people of all ages, and take on new challenges with vigour. This should be conveyed throughout your entire journey, beginning with your cover letter, resume in core competencies, and/or past experiences to leave prospective employers with a positive lasting impression of you.



How do I decide which Government jobs programmes & initiatives are suitable for me?

For the fresh graduates

First things first, check-in with your school career advisory centre. They should have ready resources to kickstart your journey and can lead you in the right direction! You can also look to the below programs for help:

  • SGUnited Traineeship Programme

An exclusive resource for fresh graduates or those who are graduating soon to gain industry-relevant skills. A monthly training allowance will be provided as well. More details in the link here.

  • Career Trial

Are you still feeling lost? Dip your feet into the wide array of available short-term positions to get a feel of the industry that you may be interested in with Career Trial. This should be considered only as your last option.


For those looking for a career switch

  • Talk to a professional career coach

Bouncing ideas off your family and friends may give you direction to an extent but seeking professional advice can provide greater insights and clarity into your situation. Find out more and get in touch with us here.

  • P-Max

A Place-and-Train Programme by WSG that aims to help connect and match suitable PMETs to SME jobs. Try it here.

  • Career Trial

If you are in-between jobs, this could be a viable, short-term option to get you back into the workforce. Try it here.


For those retrenched & those above 40

If you're struggling to find employment amid the uncertainty, mature job seekers do not despair just yet. The CSP helps boost your chances of employment by stepping in to match jobseekers to actively hiring employers with a gross salary ranging from $4,000 to $7,000 a month.


Let's Start From Ground Zero

Still not sure where to begin? Have a chat with us at 6883 5888 to help get you on your feet again!


Stay updated with our COVID-19Jobs and Resource Hub where you can find useful resources for every step of your job search journey to encourage and empower you through!


By connecting candidates with over 48,000 employers in Singapore, Jobstreet puts into action its strong conviction: that #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges.


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