Before you change careers in your 30s, read this.

Before you change careers in your 30s, read this.
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

changing careers in your 30s

Look before you leap. This applies in the playground, at the longkang - and yes, at your job too. Switching careers is never easy, particularly in the middle of a global crisis. But change isn't impossible, here are some things you should consider before making the jump.


know what you're getting into


young and childless


change career only if


when you're older


working for passion


income and growth opportunities


future proofing


prepare yourself financially


before you throw your letter


money moves to consider


why is this important


the most important takeaway


make a series of little transition


you don't need to leave your job


you should reach out


work where the sun doesn't shine


be prepared for rejection


there are opportunities


demand and supply


worries of career switch


even you doubt yourself


play to avoid losing


go for it


stay woke


As you take the leap of changing careers, remember to overcome each challenge step by step. Eventually, you will find yourself making the change that you want. After all, you deserve to exercise your passion and purpose in your professional life. Begin your search for the jobs that matter to you on Jobstreet.



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