Best jobs to work from home in Singapore

Best jobs to work from home in Singapore
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 13 May, 2024

Work from home jobs are getting increasingly popular in Singapore. Recent research reveals that Singapore has one of the highest work-from-home days in the world. These jobs allow for more flexibility, lesser expenditure than going to the office, and independence.

In this article, we look at the pros and cons of working from home and provide a comprehensive list of jobs to help you decide if any of them is well-suited for you.

Here is what we will cover:

Popular jobs where you can work from home 

Here are 16 of the best jobs to work from home:

1. Customer service representative

A customer service representative or associate assists customers with their inquiries, concerns, orders, and requests. This typically involves addressing customer inquiries and concerns via phone calls, emails, or chat platforms.

As part of this job, you would also provide chat support through online platforms. While a degree in a relevant field may be beneficial, strong communication and active listening skills are essential for success in this role.

A major advantage of this job is its flexibility in work schedules. Customer service representatives may have the opportunity to work different shifts, including evenings, nights, weekends, or even part-time hours, depending on the needs of the company and the accounts they handle.

But note that while the flexible work schedule is a major advantage, if you consider this role, you should be prepared for potentially stressful situations. These include handling difficult customers and meeting performance targets.

  • Expected salary: S$2300 per month
  • Required skills: customer service, communication, active listening, problem solving, computer literacy, patience

2. Social media manager

Social media managers oversee the social media platforms of individuals or organisations. They analyse data and metrics to develop social media posts and determine effective strategies to reach their target audience or meet specific goals. Employers usually prefer to hire job seekers with a strong background in marketing and communications.

This job allows you to work with a variety of people and businesses. It also allows for creativity and innovation, although it can be demanding. Social media managers must stay connected, alert, and on top of things at all times.

  • Expected salary: S$5050 per month
  • Required skills: communication, knowledge of social media, content creation, copywriting, community building and management, social media marketing, digital marketing, crisis management, Google Analytics experience

3. Tutor

A tutor assists and guides students in specific subjects. Generally, employers may look for job seekers with an A-level certificate or a diploma. However, many private tuition platforms do not have strict requirements for the same. But you will get paid more if you have higher qualifications.

Non-native English tutors may also be required to have a teaching certification or proof of language proficiency. Some examples include the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) proficiency test.

Some advantages of this job are the fulfilment and flexibility it offers. As a tutor, you can often set your own schedule and choose how many students to work with.

As part of this role, you will have to spend considerable time preparing your lesson plans and grading students. You will also have to guide students who may be finding it difficult to understand a particular topic.

  • Expected salary: S$3600 per month
  • Required skills: communication, integrity, punctuality, subject matter expertise, computer literacy, knowledge of Zoom and other video conferencing platforms

4. UX designer

UX or user experience designers create intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences. They work closely with product managers, developers, and stakeholders to understand and meet user needs.

A degree in technology, design, or a related field can provide a competitive advantage. To stay up-to-date in this area, you can also take certifications, sign up for boot camps, and take online courses. Having a good portfolio can help you earn more as a UX designer due to the high demand in the country.

Regarding pros and cons, positions for UX designers are in demand and pay well. However, the market is competitive, and you need advanced skills and updated knowledge to remain relevant.

  • Expected salary: S$4800 per month
  • Required skills: UX design and research, wireframing, UI design, visual design, e-commerce, CSS, HTML

5. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistants or VAs provide remote support to individuals or businesses. They perform administrative tasks similar to an executive assistant. These include scheduling appointments, responding to emails, and managing calendars.

A degree is not a usual requirement, but some employers prefer job seekers with experience in administration.

VAs can work with different clients in various industries. But it can be a demanding job with long hours. There may be limited advancement opportunities.

  • Expected salary: S$3,323.50
  • Required skills: communication, computer literacy, data entry, organisational abilities, organisational skills

6. Web developer

woman working from home coding on a laptop and second monitor

Web developers create and maintain websites. A degree in computer science (CS), information technology (IT), web design and development, or a similar field is often necessary. Certifications in specific programming such as HTML, CSS, and frameworks can be beneficial. Knowing Python and PHP can also be beneficial for this role.

Jobs for web developers are in high demand and pay well. There are also plenty of opportunities to advance. You need specialised skills to be competitive.

  • Expected salary: S$3650 per month
  • Required skills: web development, proficiency in programming languages, jQuery, React.JS, knowledge of content management systems (CMS)

7. Graphic designer

Graphic designers create visual concepts for advertisements, copy, print, and other forms. They may work by hand or use computer software. There is an increasing demand for graphic designers in advertising, digital media, and corporate branding.

The role may require adept use of tools like Adobe Creative Suite. Here is our comprehensive guide on graphic designing. This job offers opportunities for creativity and self-expression. But it may entail working long hours to meet tight deadlines.

  • Expected salary: S$3100 per month
  • Required skills: graphic design, illustration, photography, video editing, animation, multimedia arts, proficiency in various design software and desktop publishing applications

8. Translator

A translator converts spoken content or written text from one language to another. To become a translator, you need to be fluent in at least two languages, usually English and other official languages like Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil.

Proof of language proficiency may be necessary to get a job as a translator. For example, the Hanyu ShuiPing Kaoshi (HSK) test is used to demonstrate proficiency in Mandarin.

Again, learning to collaborate with AI tools can help you generate first drafts of translations, which you can improve upon.

Translator jobs pay well and are in demand. A drawback is the potential for tight deadlines and the need to work under pressure to meet client demands.

  • Expected salary: S$4900 per month
  • Required skills: communication, language proficiency, customer service, attention to detail

9. Writer

Writers create various types of written content for their clients, including copy, blogs, technical documentation, and other content.

A journalism, creative writing, or English degree can help you stand out in the field. But what is more important is having a strong portfolio that aptly highlights your written communication and storytelling skills.

The main advantage of being a writer is the freedom to work from anywhere and create your schedule. A potential consideration is the need for self-discipline and motivation. These are important to meet deadlines and produce high-quality content.

  • Expected salary: S$3750 per month
  • Required skills: communication, copywriting, content writing, knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO), proficiency in CMS

10. Tech support

Technical support staff assist and troubleshoot customers who use a company's devices or software. This job usually requires a degree in computer science, IT, computer engineering, or a related field.

Depending on your role, you may also need specific certifications. Some certifications include the Google IT Support Professional Certificate and CompTIA Security+.

Like customer service representatives, technical support specialists enjoy flexible work schedules. However, the job can be stressful due to its technical and client-oriented nature.

  • Expected salary: S$4100 per month
  • Required skills: communication, active listening, customer service, problem-solving, critical thinking, knowledge of computer systems, patience

11. Project manager

A project manager oversees the planning, execution, and completion of projects.

A degree in your chosen specialisation can help you get the job. For example, a degree in IT or CS is helpful if you're looking to work with developers who build software programmes.

Regardless of the field, a relevant certification can be beneficial. An example is the Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate.

An advantage of this job is you can work in various industries. However, it can be demanding. This is because you are in charge of the project's life cycle. You may also find yourself working on several projects at once.

  • Expected salary: S$6250 per month
  • Required skills: communication, analytical thinking, problem-solving, organisational abilities, time management, leadership, proficiency in project

12. Copywriter

A copywriter creates content for advertisements, websites, and other marketing materials. They work closely with clients to understand their brand and target audience and create copy that persuades readers to take action.

A journalism, communications, or marketing degree can improve your chances of getting hired. As in the previous case, having a portfolio that contains copy you have written for different brands can strengthen your credibility.

  • Expected salary: S$3600 per month
  • Required skills: communication, copywriting, content marketing, multitasking, knowledge of SEO, proficiency in CMS
business man at work in a white shirt at his home office

13. Consultant

Consultants provide expert advice and guidance to organisations and individuals. They specialise in areas such as management, finance, marketing, or human resources (HR).

It is always good to have a degree and experience relevant to the field you want to consult in. A portfolio that highlights your past projects and stats to emphasise your impact is also helpful.

Consultants may work on a per-project basis. This translates to freedom and flexibility. However, you may need to onboard new clients regularly to ensure a consistent workload.

  • Expected salary: S$5000 per month
  • Required skills: communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, organisational abilities, multitasking, domain-specific expertise

14. Sales representative

A sales representative promotes and sells a company's products or services to potential customers. Lead generation and relationship management are essential parts of this job.

While a degree is not always necessary for this job, some employers may prefer a college graduate in business, economics, marketing, or a related field. Many industries offer sales representative jobs.

  • Expected salary: S$3200 per month
  • Required skills: communication, negotiation, active listening, persuasion, customer service, organisational abilities

15. Editor

Editors make sure that written works are free of errors. They review and revise content to conform to established guidelines and standards.

A degree in journalism, creative writing, English, or a related field may improve your chances of getting hired. Experience and a strong portfolio as a writer, editor, proofreader, or editorial assistant is ideal.

Learning how to best use AI tools to complete high-level edits like grammar and punctuation can help you devote more time to checking phrasing, language, and style.

A downside of this role is that it's detail-oriented and can get tedious with larger workloads.

  • Expected salary: S$4500 per month
  • Required skills: communication, attention to detail, proofreading, language proficiency, basic knowledge of SEO and CMS

16. Mobile developer

A mobile developer designs and develops applications for mobile devices. A degree in CS, IT, computer engineering, or a similar field is often necessary for this position. Certifications such as Associate Android Developer and Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate can improve your credibility in the field and get you higher pay.

The advantages of this job are that it's in demand and offers high pay. The downside is the level of competition in the field.

  • Expected salary: S$4900 to S$6600
  • Required skills: communication, time management, mobile app development, programming language proficiency, basic knowledge of agile methodologies

Benefits of work from home jobs 

Here are some of the advantages of work-at-home jobs:

Reduced travel time

Full-time and part-time work-from-home jobs eliminate the need for commuting. This saves a lot of time. It also reduces the stress that comes with commuting.

More flexibility throughout your day

Work-from-home jobs give you the freedom to set your schedule. You can work at your preferred time. This allows you to integrate your working life better.

Higher level of ownership for your work

Many remote positions require independent work. Working remotely gives you a greater sense of responsibility and accountability for your tasks, and you may feel a higher sense of ownership over your work.

Increased productivity

Remote job environments can provide fewer distractions. You have the power to create a space that enables you to focus. This can lead to higher productivity levels. In fact, The Fall 2022 Future Forum Pulse reveals a 29% increase in productivity among employees who opt for flexible work arrangements.

Better work-life balance

Work-from-home jobs can help you better balance your personal and professional lives. You can spend more time with family and friends and devote time to your hobbies and interests without affecting your work performance. This also leads to overall satisfaction in multiple aspects of life.

More diverse workforce

Hiring remote workers allows companies to tap into a wider employee pool. The alternative work arrangement eliminates geographical constraints. This helps create a diverse workforce where people from different backgrounds can collaborate and contribute their unique perspectives.

Improved employee retention

Offering work from home jobs can improve employee retention rates. Working from home provides a benefit that many employees value. It also enhances loyalty and job satisfaction.

Disadvantages of work from home jobs 

Working remotely also has some drawbacks:

  • Home distractions: Potential distractions, such as noise, household chores, and constant interruptions, may make it difficult to focus.
  • Isolation: Working remotely can sometimes be isolating as it limits in-person interactions. This may have a negative effect on team dynamics.
  • Lack of community and teamwork: Lack of physical interaction hinders effective teamwork. It reduces team cohesion and makes communication more challenging.
  • Poor work environment: Lack of ergonomic equipment and a suboptimal workspace can result in poor posture and health issues. If not addressed, these factors can affect productivity.
  • Difficulties with collaboration: Coordinating with team members can be challenging without face-to-face interaction. This can cause delays in projects.
  • Difficulty separating home and work life: Work-from-home jobs can make it challenging to maintain boundaries between work and personal life. The lack of a physical separation can make it difficult to switch off from work, leading to stress and even burnout.
  • Remote work burnout: Overworking, lack of downtime, and constant availability are big parts of the online job culture. These can lead to burnout, which can impact employees' productivity and well-being.

How to get online work from home jobs in Singapore 

Here are several tips you can follow on how to find work-from-home job opportunities:

Build an online portfolio in the niche you want to work in

Focus on creating a strong portfolio. This portfolio should include a list of previous jobs, rates, and client testimonials. You can also include small case studies of your work to give people a clear picture of what to expect.

Sign up on remote work platforms

Fiverr and Upwork are some websites with remote job boards. Make sure that your profile is complete, professional, and engaging. Add specialised portfolios for different skills. You will also know how to smartly bid for projects. This can include writing proposals that catch the employer's attention and setting appropriate timelines and rates.

Improve your online presence

Create a professional website that showcases your work and qualifications. Clean up your social media to reflect your brand. Make sure your posts all have the same style and tone. Optimise your profile on networking sites by adding a professional photo, updating your information, and posting relevant and helpful content.

Expand your network

Create a JobStreet profile to find work from home opportunities and apply to jobs that suit you. Join online groups for your specific field and participate in discussions. Attend conferences and seminars for your industry.


woman in a peach shirt typing on her latptop at home

Remote work is increasingly becoming popular in Singapore. Working from home allows you to focus on your hobbies and connect with family. You'll also save plenty of money and time (due to no commute) that you can put to use in learning a new skill or taking up a hobby. You may also be more productive at home depending on your working style.

However, there are some downsides to work from home jobs too. This can include long work hours and no clear boundaries between work and home. You may also feel isolated and disconnected from others with lesser interaction. Some projects that can benefit from collaboration and frequent communication may also be affected and take longer periods to complete.

Remote work requires discipline and a self-starting attitude. You'll also need to take frequent breaks to rejuvenate and clearly define your work hours to your clients. If you want to work remotely, assess the list above to see if any of them match your skills and experience.


Here are answers to common questions about work from home job opportunities:

  1. What are the highest-paying work-from-home jobs?
    The highest paying work-from-home jobs are those in digital marketing, content creation, and finance.
  2. Which field is best for working from home?
    The best jobs for working from home are those that require minimal supervision, interaction, and coordination. Examples include content writing, editing, proofreading, and transcribing.
  3. Which work is best for earning money from home?
    The best work-from-home jobs that can help you earn money are those that fit your skill set, qualifications, and experience. You are more likely to succeed in your online job if you can do it well. You can also check out our article on ways you can make money at home.
  4. How can I start taking work-from-home jobs?
    To get started, find a remote job that suits you. Explore online job boards, job search engines such as Jobstreet, and company websites to find opportunities. Apply to jobs that interest you. Once you get a remote job, you can start working from home.
  5. How much should I charge for remote jobs?
    Consider your skills and experience and the complexity of the job when setting your rate. If you are just starting out, look into the average rates of people with similar qualifications. This can give you an idea of how much to charge.
    From there, you can adjust your rates in response to market demand and client feedback. Once you're confident in your ability to add significant value to clients, don't hesitate to charge more for your services.

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