5 Inspiring Movies to Motivate Your in Your Job Search

5 Inspiring Movies to Motivate Your in Your Job Search
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 07 June, 2022

Job hunting is tough. The current post-pandemic landscape made it easy to have a job interview in our homes, but Zoom fatigue sets in real fast, making us feel tired without leaving the house.

You must not be afraid to take a break if you find yourself frustrated with your job hunt. Clearing your head can help you recharge and inspire you to search with a renewed sense of purpose. You can find inspiration anywhere, from a new hobby to a movie, any activity that makes you feel good and motivated to take on another day of hard work ahead.

Movies, in particular, can be quite helpful to you manage stress. For an hour or so, you forget your troubles and delve into a world full of possibility. You see yourself in the characters on screen, relating to their struggles and basking in their wins. Watching a motivating movie can ease your tired job-seeking brain and may encourage you to start your search anew.

Ready, set, watch! Here's a list of inspiring movies that can help motivate you in your job hunt.

Jerry Maguire (1996)

Summary: Successful sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) gets fired from his job at a top talent agency, Sport Management International. This sudden change fails to deter him, and he goes out to start his agency. But with only one athlete and one other employee to start his business from the ground, will he be able to bounce back from this setback?

Key Takeaways: 

Jerry Maguire is an inspiring movie about taking risks. Jerry bravely speaks up about how their industry is doing things wrong and gets fired over it. However, he doesn't let that get him down. Instead, he works even harder and carves a path despite the many obstacles in his way. Jobseekers in the middle of their careers can seek comfort that even successful professionals like Jerry Maguire can go through rough patches – and come out of it a better person. Individuals feeling dissatisfied with their current job may feel worried about leaving their comfort zone and seeking new opportunities. However, with hard work and determination, the payoff may just be worth it.

Memorable Quote:

“I think in this age, optimism is a revolutionary act.” 

It’s easy to be cynical, especially when faced with so much rejection. But positive thinking has been known to generate good results when job hunting. By creating a positive mindset, you can exude a more confident image that will impress hirers.

Legally Blonde (2001)

Summary: Fashion merchandising student and sorority girl Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) expects her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), to propose to her. However, she gets dumped instead. Warner believes that Elle is not the right wife for him because she doesn’t fit his plans to go to Harvard Law School and become a successful politician. Elle decides to follow him to Harvard to prove him wrong.

Key Takeaways: 

Legally Blonde is essentially about believing in yourself and how this confidence can help drive your goals. While she initially sought out law school as a way to win her boyfriend back, Elle finds that she has all the skills that make an excellent lawyer. As she thrives in school, she realises that she can be more than a political wife, which leads to her new goal – becoming a law firm partner by 30. Job seekers can learn from Elle – find your strengths and lean into them, believing that you have what it takes to get hired. Show your potential employer the value you can add to their organization, and they will take note.

Memorable Quote:

“…most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.”

Elle had to fight many stereotypes to be respected in law school, but her skills, coupled with her confidence led her to succeed. Like Elle, you might not seem like a good fit for specific roles, but if you know you have the skills to back it up, then why not go for it? Transferable skills are crucial in any workplace and are a valuable find for employers.  

The Internship (2013)

Summary: Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are out-of-work salesmen who manages to sales pitch their way into getting an internship at Google. Once there, they must compete with the most brilliant young minds in the country to secure a role in one of the world’s biggest tech firms. However, their obvious lack of technical skills makes it difficult for their team to win the challenges Google throws their way. Will Billy, Nick and their team of outcasts be able to rise above the rest?

Key Takeaways: Even though Billy and Nick are better at talking than they are at coding, the team at Google sees potential in them and hires them for the internship to see what they have. Like in The Internship, employers look beyond your qualifications and check the whole package, including soft skills, to assess whether you are a good fit for their company. Job seekers with no job experience would also do well to take a page off Billy and Nick’s book and get an internship. As the interns in the film go through different challenges that test various skills, real-life internships are a way to try different roles and explore career options.

Memorable Quote:

“I didn’t have a fancy education like most of the people here. I had to work hard to get where I am.” 

Coming from a famous school may be one aspect that will get you in the door, but it’s not the only thing that matters. It’s what you do with that education that will get you through the application.

The Intern (2015)

Summary: Seventy-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) applies for a senior internship at a hip fashion e-commerce company owned by a young workaholic boss named Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway). With no idea about fashion and even more clueless about the internet, can Ben win over his incredibly demanding boss?

Key Takeaways: 

Ben’s character in The Intern tells us it’s never too late to try something new. Looking for purpose in his retirement, Ben seeks new opportunities fearlessly, applying to an industry that did not entirely exist when he was starting his career. Instead of being bogged down by his disadvantage, Ben chooses to highlight his strengths during his job interview, which ends up winning him the role. Job seekers looking to change careers can look to Ben’s interview experience as a model. He presents himself well (dressed in an impressive suit, too!) and shows that he is a competent worker, if not a technical expert.  

Memorable Quote:

“You should feel nothing but great about what you've done, and I'd hate to see you let anyone take that away from you.” 

One of the highlights of this film is Ben and Jules’ friendship. Ben is always ready to champion Jules, especially during times when she seems ready to give up on herself. Seek out champions in your life, whether they be the friends and family you love the most or a mentor you look up to. Don’t be afraid to turn to them when you’re stressed about the job hunt. Sometimes, you just need someone to lean on to ease the burden.

Hidden Figures (2016)

Summary: Hidden Figures is the biographic story of three intelligent African-American women at NASA – Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae). They are tasked to serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. The movie tells how Katherine, Dorothy and Mary all dare to dream big and make history.

Key Takeaways: Even though it’s been said over and over again, hard work truly does pay off. But for these women of colour in the '60s who have to endure society’s restrictive view on women and race, they have to work even harder to prove themselves worthy of being in the room. But systemic racism and sexism do not deter them from finding their purpose, instead, they forge their paths regardless of societal concerns. Job seekers may encounter difficulties in their search, but it won’t help to dwell on things outside of their control. The only thing you can control in your job application is yourself, so just focus on doing your best, and an opportunity is bound to open up for you.

Memorable Quote:

“Only one thing to do: learn all we can. Make ourselves valuable.”

When Dorothy Vaughan found out about the IBM computers that NASA is going to use for faster calculations, she decides to learn how to operate them. In an ever-changing job landscape, it helps to have foresight like Dorothy to help further grow your career. Take advantage of upskilling programs available to you to help boost your resume.

The job search can be frustrating, with the potential of receiving multiple rejections and very few offers ahead. Stay positive and motivated to find the perfect opportunity for you. Take a break if you need it, and seek guidance from inspiring movies like the ones on our list. It can help recharge and clear your mind to get back on the job search again.

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