Top 7 Personality Tests to Help You Determine Your Career Path

Top 7 Personality Tests to Help You Determine Your Career Path
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

As Singapore's economy recovers from the pandemic, there's no better time for jobseekers to prepare for opportunities that may come knocking anytime.

Nowadays, employers are becoming more intentional in their recruitment process. One of their more popular methods, according to a survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), is the use of behavioural or personality tests during the hiring and interview process. Assessments like the DISC personality test or colour personality test help employers determine if the jobseeker's emotional traits, along with expertise, match specific job roles.

Can you ace personality tests? While you can't change who you are at a drop of a hat, there are ways to prepare for these types of evaluations that will show employers you're the right person for the job--in spite of or especially because of the results of the exam.

What are career personality tests exactly?

Personality tests use statistics and psychological theories to reveal certain aspects of your character, such as your strengths, talents, and weaknesses. Personality tests show if you have the potential to succeed in a given position and if you fit the company's culture.

What are the advantages of taking personality tests?

Career-type personality tests may help give you a greater sense of self-awareness. They give you an understanding of what you are already good at and what you can still improve on.

Some job roles may sound appealing in words but may not fit your behaviour or preference. It is important to have a job that matches your personality. With the right role, you are more likely to become highly engaged, productive, and comfortable at work.

What are the disadvantages of taking personality tests?

If you plan on taking a personality test on your own before your job interviews, the downside is they may be expensive. Also, some personality tests are time-consuming—especially when they require you to answer a series of more than 100 questions!

Nevertheless, the fact remains that employers utilise personality tests in their hiring process. At least familiarising yourself with the mechanics will help you prepare for your job interview.

What are the most popular career personality tests?

1. Colour Personality Test

Colour psychology tests help determine personality types according to beliefs, motivations, and desires based on colour representations. The colour personality test is a tool that can help employers measure your communication and collaboration skills.

For example, orange personality types may enjoy freedom and spontaneity, which works in creative fields such as marketing and advertising. While blue personality types value relationships and compassion and thrive well in working closely with others, like in the field of education.

2. The Caliper Profile

The Caliper Profile evaluates your personality traits based on four factors:

  • Leadership and persuasiveness
  • Problem-solving and decision making
  • Interpersonal and service orientation
  • Personal organisation
  • Time management

This personality type test has two parts: cognitive and personality. The cognitive section includes abstract reasoning, figural reasoning, and other IQ type assessments. On the other hand, the personality portion will have you decide whether the given statements describe you or not.

If you are applying for a customer service position, the test should show that you have interpersonal traits such as sociability or accommodation. If you are applying for a managerial role, your results must reveal leadership traits such as assertiveness and resilience.

3. DISC Personality Test

The theory behind the DISC personality test assumes that people are a combination of four personality styles: Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliant. If you are the type of person who is direct and decisive, your primary personality style could be Dominant—with secondary to tertiary personalities being Influence and Steadiness.

Once employers know your DISC blend, they will have an idea about how you communicate, the value you can add to the organisation, your motivations, and possible weaknesses.

4. Gallup Strengths Finder

The Gallup Strengths Finder test highlights your top five talents based on the Clifton Strengths themes such as Futuristic, Achiever, Responsibility, Competition, Harmony, and more. Simply put, this test focuses on what you can do best rather than what you have to improve on.

If you constantly find yourself asking the question, "What makes me unique?" then the Gallup Strengths Finder test will help outline your top talents along with definitions that are specific to you alone.

5. 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

Created in 1949 by psychologist Raymond Cattel, the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire determines your strengths and areas for improvement. It features personality type test questions that prompt your reaction to certain situations by answering True or False. The scenarios include dealing with high-stress situations and handling tasks, among others.

6. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Also known as the MBTI, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was first developed in the 1940s by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs, to make Carl Jung's "type theory" accessible to the public. The test comprises 93 questions where you choose on a scale how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

The MBTI is used most commonly by employers to help you perform better on the job and get along better with others. It checks up on your preferences on how you use your perception and judgment, what type of conflict-resolution methods work well for you, and what culture you will most likely thrive on.

7. Situational Judgement Test

Similar to the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, the Situational Judgement Test aims to assess how you react to critical situations or work-related problems. It is a reliable predictor of job performance which measures your skills for conflict management, problem-solving, interpersonal communication, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, and negotiation.

Personality testing is definitely here to stay. While personality tests must be taken with a grain of salt, they can still be beneficial for both employers and jobseekers. Personality tests can help you assess if your talents and traits are compatible with a job role. After all, #JobsThatMatter are those that can bring out the best in you.

To help you search for the job that suits your personality, explore listings on JobstreetUpdate your profile for employers to get to know you. If you are immediately available for hiring, add #WorkNow to your profile so employers will find you much faster.

For more tips on how to ace your job interview, visit the Career Resources Hub.


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