Building rapport: the essential skill for thriving in professional relationships

Building rapport: the essential skill for thriving in professional relationships
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 19 July, 2024

Sometimes, you instantly connect with someone in a meeting or casual chat. These interactions make work smoother – that's rapport. 

It's not just about easier conversations; it also boosts career growth and job satisfaction. Improving rapport building is smart for any career stage.

To build rapport, there needs to be trust, respect, and understanding. Improving your ability to build relationships is especially important in the job market. 

Building personal connections is crucial for work success. We'll explore rapport building and its significance.

Here's what we're going to cover:

What is rapport building, and why is it important?  

What is the meaning of building rapport? 

Building rapport at work means creating a connection based on trust and understanding. This is very important in the workplace. 

Here are some reasons why good rapport at work is important:

  • Essential for success: Getting along with others is a must to succeed in today's team-based jobs. It makes it simpler for everyone to work together and achieve their goals.
  • Helps everyone work together better: Good relationships make others feel more comfortable sharing their ideas, getting feedback, and working together. This makes for better communication, teamwork, and productivity. 
  • Gives others confidence: When everyone gets along with their bosses, clients, and coworkers, they handle business situations more confidently.

Who should build workplace rapport? 

In Singapore, there isn't a specific job tasked with building work relationships. It's a shared responsibility among all employees, from entry-level to senior management.

New employees

Establishing rapport at work is vital for entry-level employees to integrate and succeed. If you're new, acquaint yourself with your colleagues. It helps with adjusting to work. You can get help when needed. And it sets the stage for future teamwork.


Managers help unite the workplace and make it more productive. If you have a management position, get to know your team well. This builds trust, improves communication, and creates a sense of belonging.

All of this boosts morale and team success. In the same way, meeting senior managers leads to chances for mentorship and job advancement. It also leads to alignment with the organisation's goals.

Importance of rapport building

Building rapport is a team effort. Both will need to connect and be open. Real rapport means being genuine, not just doing business. By working together, we create better relationships, making the workplace better for everyone.

two women on a tablet

Benefits of building rapport in the workplace 

Developing your building rapport skills at work has many benefits. Here are a few of them:

  • Enhanced communication and collaboration: A good rapport helps you communicate and collaborate better with coworkers. This makes work faster and boosts everyone's productivity.
  • Increased trust and cooperation: Building rapport with coworkers leads to a mindset of trust and cooperation at work. It makes interacting easier and encourages you to work together.
  • Improved morale and job satisfaction: A strong rapport with coworkers can create a positive work atmosphere. This boosts morale and makes workers happier with their jobs, which leads to higher productivity and retention rates.
  • Stronger client and customer relationships: Rapport building isn't just about internal relationships. It's also about connecting with clients and customers, fostering trust, and forging lasting partnerships.
  • Reduced conflict and improved resolution: Building rapport helps minimise conflicts and resolves them quicker, resulting in a harmonious and efficient workplace.

How to build rapport effectively in any situation? 

Building rapport is a skill you can practise and use in various situations to strengthen connections. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Make a memorable introduction

Getting to know someone starts with a good first impression. To make an impact, look confident and professional. Do so in how you stand, shake hands, and use facial expressions. When you meet someone for the first time, be sure to say your name and what you do.

Try to find common interests with everyone. For instance, talk about shared experiences or favourite food spots in Singapore. It's a topic many enjoy. This builds rapport and creates an instant connection and sets a positive tone for future chats.

Step 2: Engage in active listening

Active listening is a major part of rapport building. Focus on the person and give them your full attention. Don't use your phone or do other things at the same time. Make eye contact to show interest and get the person to discuss more details.

Show you're engaged by making encouraging sounds. Use body language like nodding and leaning in to demonstrate active listening and build trust. Ask questions to display interest and a desire to understand their perspective.

two men in business meeting

Step 3: Ask the right questions

Effective communication skills are an important part of any working or personal relationship. Building rapport is more than just talking to someone at a surface level. It means you build rapport with two-way communication. You have meaningful talks that lead to real connections.

To excel at this, focus on asking the right questions. Skip small talk. Start with open questions. They get more detail and make talks smoother. Listen actively to show interest and deepen connections. 

Ask follow-up questions to understand their thoughts better. Ensure your questions fit the context and topic, especially considering your coworker's background.

Step 4: Be mindful of your body language

Body language is crucial in all situations. When aiming to build rapport, display openness and approachability. 

Purposefully make eye contact to demonstrate attentiveness and foster trust. Eye contact also signifies active participation in the conversation.

The three most important nonverbal elements to building strong rapport are:

  • mutual attentiveness
  • positivity
  • coordination.

Use open gestures to foster connection and ensure others feel at ease around you. Also, remember to smile sincerely. This shows warmth, friendliness, and approachability. It sets a positive tone for the interaction.

Step 5: Discover common interests

Discover shared interests as a conversation starter. Use open-ended questions to explore their hobbies or work experiences. Once you find common ground, deepen the connection and conversation. 

Remember to respect boundaries and steer clear of overly personal topics. Discussing shared hobbies helps foster a relationship while being mindful of comfort levels.

Step 6: Be genuine and respectful during an interaction

Being honest and respectful is important for building rapport. Recognising how others feel shows respect and helps you understand them better. It's crucial not to judge or interrupt because that can make it tough to build rapport. 

Instead, give support and encouragement. This creates a safe place where everyone can freely talk. Respecting everyone, regardless of their job or status, builds strong connections and improves work relationships.

Strategies for building and maintaining good rapport at work  

Developing relationships and communicating effectively can enhance workplace satisfaction. These skills can also boost your career success. 

Here are some tips for building and maintaining good relationships at work:

Building rapport with colleagues

  • Practise active listening and show genuine interest: Demonstrate your attentiveness by actively listening to their ideas. Respect and understanding flourish when you genuinely value their thoughts and experiences.
  • Offer help and support when needed: Support your coworkers, especially during challenging times, by fostering a team-oriented mindset, strengthening relationships and a supportive workplace environment.
  • Celebrate successes and achievements together: Acknowledge and celebrate your team's individual or collective accomplishments. Recognising and praising their efforts encourages everyone to strive for excellence.
  • Maintain positive and respectful communication: Even if you disagree with a coworker, communicate positively and respectfully. Effective communication can improve your working relationship.

Building rapport with clients and customers

  • Listen to their needs and concerns attentively: Make sure to invest time in understanding your clients' and customers' needs and concerns. Active listening demonstrates your comprehension, fostering trust and enhancing client relationships.
  • Communicate clearly and transparently: Strive for clear and honest communication with clients. Discuss their expectations, your actions, and how to address any issues that may arise. Transparency fosters trust and resolves confusion.
  • Demonstrate genuine interest in their success: Demonstrate care for your clients' and customers' success. Provide customised solutions and go above and beyond to fulfil their requirements. Prioritising the customer fosters trust and lasting relationships.
  • Go the extra mile to provide exceptional service: Strive to exceed expectations by providing exceptional service and understanding clients' needs. Going above and beyond demonstrates your dedication to their satisfaction and strengthens your connection.

Building rapport within your team and with direct reports

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive environment: Appreciate diversity and provide opportunities for everyone to collaborate and participate. This fosters a feeling of belonging and inclusivity.
  • Provide opportunities for open communication and feedback: Ensure your team has avenues for open communication and feedback, creating a safe environment for sharing thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This fosters trust and enhances relationships within the team.
  • Recognise individual contributions and efforts: Recognise the contributions of every team member, taking into account their skills and strengths. Acknowledging everyone's efforts boosts morale and makes everyone feel valued.
  • Show appreciation and respect for your team members: Demonstrate appreciation and respect for your team members by valuing their ideas, experiences, and boundaries. Gratitude and respect foster trust and enhance team cohesion.
Man and woman wearing glasses working together

Final thoughts 

Building rapport is basic to forming strong work relationships. Trust, respect, and mutual understanding can help you connect. They help with coworkers, clients, and supervisors. 

Always remember: building rapport isn't just a skill. It's a mindset that improves collaboration. 

It can enhance productivity and success. Embrace real connections with others. See your work relationships flourish. They will turn your goals into reality.


  1. What are the steps to build rapport? 
    There are several steps to building rapport. They are: 
    listen actively
    find things you have in common
    show real interest
    mirror body language
    keep the conversation positive.
  2. What is the fastest way to build rapport? 
    Identify shared interests early in a conversation to quickly establish rapport. Additionally, demonstrate genuine interest and actively listen to the other person's perspective.
  3. How do you build rapport with one another? 
    Building rapport involves earning someone's trust, respect, and understanding. You can achieve this through communication, kindness, honesty, and finding common ground.
  4. How can I build rapport with someone who seems difficult or unapproachable? 
    Building rapport with someone who seems hard to connect with can be harder. This could be a stern“auntie” or even your employer. Look for things you have in common with them. Show that you care about their point of view, listen carefully, and approach them with respect and understanding. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to connect.
  5. Is building rapport online different from building rapport in person? 
    To build rapport online, improve your writing and listening in digital settings. Additionally, seek common interests through online communities or shared hobbies.
  6. How can I build rapport as an introvert?
    As an introvert, you can build rapport by using the skills you have. For example, you might listen carefully and talk thoughtfully to others.

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