Circuit Breaker in Singapore: What you can and cannot do

Circuit Breaker in Singapore: What you can and cannot do
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

circuit breaker can and cannot

In light of the quickly progressing pandemic, governments, businesses and individuals need to ramp up measures in its containment. Already eagerly anticipating the end of the Circuit Breaker? But first, let's play our part as a collective in getting through this together! Here's what you can and cannot do during Singapore's circuit breaker period.

When does the Circuit Breaker start and end?

The month-long circuit breaker measures start on April 7 and end on May 4 and may potentially be extended depending on the situation (*Note: On Apr 21, the Government announced that the Circuit Breaker will be extended for four more weeks until June 1). As part of stricter measures to curb the further spread of the coronavirus, it is mandatory for all in Singapore to wear a mask when they step out.

*Updated as of 21 April 2020: According to tightened rules announced, there are additional suspension and restrictions in place for selected businesses.

  • standalone outlets that sell only beverages, packaged snacks, confectioneries or desserts have to close
  • Hairdressing and barber services will be required to close their outlets
  • Optician shops can operate by appointment only; walk-in customers are no longer accepted
  • Pet supplies stores and retail laundry services must close their physical stores, but are permitted to provide online sales and delivery

What are the consequences of flouting the COVID-19 Temporary Measures Bill:

  • First-time offenders: $300 fine
  • Second or subsequent offenders: higher fines or prosecution in court
  • Work pass holders breaching circuit breaker measures: Work pass revoked

circuit breaker can and cannot

Still unsure on what can and cannot be done? The key takeaway is to #StayHomeStaySafe, we'll get through this as one! Check out the latest information on for updates on-the-go!

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