Customer service: its importance and how to develop skills in this area

Customer service: its importance and how to develop skills in this area
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 23 July, 2024

Customer service refers to the assistance and support provided to customers. It could be before, during, or after purchasing a product or service. It includes answering their questions and fixing any problems. It is all about making the whole experience smooth and satisfying for them.

Customer service can take place through various channels. These include in-person interactions, phone calls, emails, live chat, and social media platforms. These channels meet the diverse needs and preferences of customers. Customer service skills are a must in today's job market. They are crucial for building and maintaining good relationships with clients. 

From retail to corporate sales, these skills are vital across various industries. In front-facing services like retail, these skills help build trust among customers. They directly influence purchasing decisions. Similarly, in sales, effective customer service skills foster long-term client relationships. The skills help drive business growth. 

In this article, we will help you learn more about the importance of good customer service. We will also provide you with tips for developing your customer service skills. 

Here is what we will cover: 

Why is customer service important? 

Customer service has a huge impact on the success of many companies. It affects these areas: 

Customer satisfaction and loyalty 

Customer service is important for making customers happy and keeping them coming back to your brand. When customers get great service, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their experience. This results in a sense of loyalty towards your company.

For instance, a 2022 study conducted in the United Kingdom examined the factors influencing customer loyalty in various hotels. It found that when hotels gave excellent customer service, guests were happier. They were more likely to keep choosing that hotel in the future. This shows how customer service is important for enhancing brand loyalty.

Brand reputation and image 

Customer service experience affects how people feel about your brand or company. Customers often share their experiences with friends and family. They can do this either in person or through social media. These word-of-mouth interactions can influence others' perceptions of the brand and its reputation. 

Moreover, an online survey highlighted how customer service shapes consumer perceptions. Many consumers rely on reviews to assess a brand's reputation before a purchase. Negative reviews often result from poor customer service experiences. Hence, it is important to offer great service to make sure the brand's image stays positive. Brands should prioritize customer satisfaction to ensure consumers keep coming back.

Sales and revenue generation 

Customer service can affect the decision of many consumers to buy your product or service. For example, according to the same 2022 study, many choose to visit a hotel with great customer service. This shows that good customer service directly translates to more sales. 

It also highlights the role of customer service as a competitive differentiator in today's market. Good service experience helps your business stand out from competitors and attract and retain more customers, ultimately driving higher sales and market share. 

Research from McKinsey & Company also revealed that improving customer experience can increase revenue by 2% to 7%. As a result, this can improve a company's profitability by 1% to 2%. 

Employee morale and productivity 

Great customer service can have a positive impact on all parties. It can make customers happy and pleasant to interact with, and positive interactions with customers will improve employee morale and make them more productive. This will lead to better performance and higher employee satisfaction. 

What are the principles of good customer service? 

These are the key principles of good customer service: 


It is the quality of understanding and addressing your customer’s needs that shows the company values its clients. This builds loyalty and promotes customer retention. 


Communication is a crucial customer service principle. Practicing active listening, providing clear and concise explanations, and using a professional tone helps create a positive customer experience. This in turn fosters trust and confidence in the company. 


Identifying and resolving customer issues will make the customer feel valued. This is key to retaining customers and building a positive reputation. 


Showing courtesy, respect, and a positive attitude creates a welcoming environment for customers. This helps your company build strong relationships with customers and improve its image. 


Proactivity is anticipating customer needs and going the extra mile for your customers. It shows a commitment to great service. Positive impressions on consumers will encourage them to advocate your product or brand. 

Key customer service skills you need in the workplace 

Here are important customer service skills in the workplace: 

Communication skills 

Communication skills refer to how well you express your ideas and listen to others.

Examples include: 

  • Verbal and written communication

How you speak and write to customers affects their experience with you and the company. Communication also includes non-verbal cues such as body language, tone, and personal presentation. 

  • Active listening

This is your ability to understand customers and respond appropriately. It involves engaging with customers and showing that you care about their needs. 

  • Explaining complex information

Practice explaining ideas and concepts in a simple way to help customers understand. 

three employees celebrating a work team with a high five

Technical knowledge 

These are hard skills or industry knowledge required to perform your job. 

Examples include: 

  • Product or service expertise

You must get a thorough understanding of the company's offerings. This helps you provide accurate and helpful information to customers. 

  • Troubleshooting skills

These skills enable you to identify and resolve technical issues for customers. Skills include specialized knowledge in computer software, hardware, or other technical systems.

Problem-solving skills 

These soft skills help you provide solutions to customers’ issues more efficiently.

Examples include: 

  • Identifying root causes

Figuring out the cause of a problem quickly helps you resolve it faster. 

  • Finding solutions

Understanding how to tackle customer issues promotes great service. 

  • Creative thinking

It means thinking innovatively and exploring unconventional ideas. This is especially important for solving complex problems in customer service.

Empathy and emotional intelligence 

Here are examples of how empathy and emotional intelligence work in customer service: 

  • Relating to customers

Recognize and respond to customers' emotions to meet their needs. 

  • Building rapport

Building rapport includes establishing and maintaining positive customer relationships. This creates a good impression and helps gain their trust. 

Remaining adaptable and resilient 

Here are some examples of how being adaptable and resilient can help you in the workplace: 

  • Handling difficult situations

Deal with unhappy customers calmly when resolving their issues. This enables you to regain their trust. 

  • Staying calm under pressure

Remain level-headed even in stressful situations. For example, when you're dealing with an angry customer. Stay professional and handle the situation with tact. 

  • Adjusting to changing needs

Recognize when a customer's needs are changing. Adjusting your approach can help you meet them. This is a great customer service strategy. It enables you to close a sale, solve a problem, or provide better service. 

How to improve your customer service skills 

Here are some ways you can develop your customer service skills: 

  • Seek feedback from customers 

Take time to examine service reviews and identify areas where you can improve. You can also ask customers to provide feedback on their experience. 

  • Engage in continuous learning 

Take courses and participate in training and development programs. Focus on important customer service skills that you feel need work. 

  • Role-play customer interactions with colleagues 

This allows you to practice your communication and active listening skills. It also prepares you to deal with difficult situations with confidence and a positive attitude. 

  • Learn from experienced customer service professionals 

Observe customer interactions to understand how to handle various situations. Ask for advice on how you can develop your skills. 

  • Ask for feedback from your manager 

This helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement as part of a customer service team. Your manager can also recommend development opportunities and help you maintain a growth mindset. 

  • Keep up to date with industry trends and best practices 

You can do this by reading articles, books, and blogs about the customer service field. 

Example of customer service skills in a resume 

You can showcase your customer service skills in various parts of your resume. These include the summary, work history, and skills sections. These tips can also help: 

  • Review the job description. Include the customer service skills the employer is looking for in your resume. 
  • Incorporate relevant keywords. These may increase your chances of getting an interview. 
  • Include figures to emphasize your impact on the company. For example, you can say that you resolve an average of 50 tickets per day with a 95% customer satisfaction rating. 
  • Use action words in your work history. This can help you capture the hiring manager's attention. 
  • List your relevant customer service skills first. Highlight your past customer service duties to demonstrate your abilities. 

Sample resume for highlighting customer service skills 

Here's a short sample resume for your reference: 

Eleanor Yap

No. 1 Science Centre Road, 08-20, The Enterprise

389838, Singapore
[email protected]
+66 12 8749550

Results-oriented professional with over three years of experience in delivering exceptional customer service. Successfully increased customer satisfaction ratings by 15% through proactive problem-solving and efficient issue resolution. Promotes strong communication and time management skills.

Work History
Customer Service Representative
Stellar Communications, July 2021–Present

  • Handles an average of 50 customer calls daily while maintaining a customer satisfaction rating of over 96%.
  • Implements streamlined processes for handling customer questions and resolving issues to reduce wait times by 20%.
  • Demonstrates excellent product knowledge in upselling and cross-selling opportunities, resulting in a 10% increase in sales.

Bachelor of Business Administration
University of Singapore
Graduated 2020

Communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, time management, knowledge of customer service principles

grocery worker

Bottom line 

Improving your customer service skills can lead to professional success across various sectors in Singapore. These skills help you establish and keep good relationships with customers. Key skills include communicating well, solving problems, understanding technical details, being adaptable, and showing empathy. Improving these skills enables you to perform better and progress in your customer service roles in Singapore.


Here are answers to questions about customer service skills: 

  1. How can I improve my customer service skills?
    To improve your customer service skills, ask customers and colleagues for feedback. Use it to find areas to improve.
    Engage in role-playing exercises to ready yourself for diverse customer interactions. Also, learn from experienced professionals. Take relevant training courses to improve your skills.
  2. What are the essential customer service representative skills? 
    Clear communication skills, problem-solving, empathy, adaptability, and resilience are important skills. Also, customer service reps need emotional intelligence and technical knowledge. 
  3. How do I tailor my resume for a customer service job? 
    Examine the job description and emphasise your relevant skills and qualifications. Highlight any prior customer service experience you possess.
  4. What keywords should I include in my customer service resume? 
    Popular resume keywords often comprise "customer service" and "customer care." Additionally, "communication skills," "problem-solving," "interpersonal skills," and "troubleshooting" are commonly used terms.
  5. Are technical skills important in customer service? 
    Yes. These skills include computer literacy, which is important in many  customer service jobs. Some roles need more technical skills. For example, IT support agents need proficiency in specific programs and tools. 
  6. What are some real-life examples of excellent customer service? 
    According to the annual survey conducted jointly by The Straits Times and international market researcher Statista, Singapore’s best customer service retailers and service providers for 2023/2024 include True Fitness, Alive Nutrition Consultancy, Ancient Dynasty Massage and Spa, Subway, and Chicha San Chen.
    These businesses are known for their strong focus on making customers happy, quickly solving any problems, and giving personalized service that suits each customer.
  7. How can I demonstrate empathy in my resume? 
    Mention skills that support this quality, such as active listening. You can also include customer satisfaction ratings in your work history. This shows your ability to empathize and meet the needs of clients. 
  8. What certifications enhance my customer service resume? 
    Numerous online educational platforms provide certifications specialising in customer service. For instance, edX features customer relationship management courses tailored for sales and support teams, while Coursera offers diverse customer service courses suitable for various roles and proficiency levels. 
    Also, there are certifications for specific skills like communication and conflict resolution. They are available and can enrich your resume.
  9. What is the difference between hard and soft customer service skills? 
    Hard skills focus on technical abilities and specific knowledge. Examples are product knowledge and software troubleshooting. Soft customer service skills consist of character traits and interpersonal skills. These include empathy, problem-solving, and communication. 
  10. How do I address a lack of experience in my customer service resume? 
    Focus on your education and volunteer experience. Include experiences that showcase important customer service skills. These may be activities you did in school. For example, being a laboratory assistant, tutoring, or organizing events. Highlight leadership roles you may have had. These show your ability to work with others to achieve a goal.

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