5 Future-Proof Ways to Get Ready for Post-Pandemic Work

5 Future-Proof Ways to Get Ready for Post-Pandemic Work
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

5 Future-Proof Ways to Get Ready for Post-Pandemic Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably altered how we see the world of work.

For instance, before this global health crisis, a work-from-home arrangement wasn't conceivable in many organisations. However, the Decoding Global Talent Survey report, a collaboration by JobStreet, The Network, and the Boston Consulting Group, proves the tide has changed.

Before the pandemic, 31 percent of Singaporean respondents used a hybrid work set-up, which combined remote and onsite work. Today, in the midst of the pandemic, 74 percent of them want this arrangement to continue, if given the choice.

Elsewhere in the world, a similar sentiment is taking over. For one, Twitter, encouraged by a successful work-from-home set-up at the beginning of the pandemic, announced in mid-2020 that at least half their workforce will be able to permanently work remotely. Similarly, in late 2020, Dropbox turned all its existing offices into co-working spaces that employees can use if they wish. Otherwise, everyone in the company is allowed to work from home for good.

This is the future for post-pandemic workplaces. Are you ready to jump in? Take note of what you need to do to get your career off to a great start in this new normal.

1. Practice working in a hybrid environment.

The future of work merges onsite operations with remote tasks. Take the time during your job search to prepare for this kind of set up. On your daily to-do lists, include online tasks as well as those you need to physically show up for.

Begin your prep work with these tasks:

o  Finalise your resumé (remote work)

o  Narrow down the list of companies to apply to (remote work)

o  Expand your transferable skills by taking short online courses relevant to the career you want (remote work)

o  Build up your network (in person)

2. Master digital collaboration tools and processes.

Online collaboration among team members is key to a productive hybrid work set-up. These collaboration tools help with scheduling, accountability, and remove the need to keep sending files back and forth between members.

Familiarise yourself with the following tools:

Trello - This intuitive tool lays out all tasks of all team members, making it easy to track progress

Google Workspace - In this huge cloud workspace, you can keep heavy files in one place (Google Drive), let everyone collaborate on presentations (Google Slides), and give all team members a say in projects (Google Sheets and Docs).

Calendly - Almost like a virtual assistant, Calendly adds events to online calendars. It also checks possible schedule conflicts across Google, Outlook, and Office 365.

Basecamp - This collaboration app is a hub for tasks, deadlines, company announcements, files, and communication between co-workers.

3. Learn to speak up about social and environmental issues.

In the past year, workers have become more aware of their responsibilities towards each other and the environment. In fact, according to JobStreet's Global Talent Survey report, 44 percent and 54 percent of Singapore respondents would disregard companies that do not match their views on the environment, and diversity and inclusion, respectively.

Study up on the following issues, and develop your opinion:

o  Equal rights

o  Cultural heritage

o  Indigenous populations

o  Labor and working conditions

o  Water and energy conservation

o  Biodiversity and protection of natural resources

o  Air quality

4. Build trust with colleagues and become trustworthy yourself.

Even before the pandemic, trust has been highly valued in the workplace. For a hybrid set-up to work, it is much more important now to be a trustworthy colleague. This goes both ways, however; be reliable, but also display confidence in your colleagues.

The following activities may help you learn how to demonstrate trust, and also be trustworthy:

o  Keep your word.

o  Be punctual.

o  Be accountable. If you find yourself in the wrong, apologise immediately.

o  Talk about relevant issues, not about friends and coworkers.

o  Consistently tell the truth.

5. Future-Proof Yourself

As more companies and employers take steps into pandemic-proofing the workplace, you should, too. Constantly find ways to improve your craft by upskilling and reskilling, adapting to the changing demands of your field. Amazon, for example, spared a $700-million budget to upskill its employees for the incumbent digital workspace and equip those in “lesser-skilled” roles to grow professionally.

But you don't have to wait for your company to do this. Make yourself professionally valuable when you familiarise yourself with the future of the world of work. Think about the career path you want to pursue and find ways to strengthen the skills and qualities that you need to get there. Do you want to be a consultant? Perhaps take courses on leadership and organisational management.

Build up your skills by signing up for a free FutureLearn course. Hone your transferable and emerging skills as a global talent who is ready for the future. Then, make sure to update your JobStreet profile to reflect your updated skills.

The future of work lies in workers' ability to navigate a hybrid environment. In order to do this, they must be knowledgeable of online collaboration tools. This builds an atmosphere of trust, whether you are working remotely or onsite. Additionally, a productive workspace is also conducive to teamwork. This can happen if coworkers share the same values, and have equal passion for relevant issues.

If you would like to learn more about how workers in Singapore want their post-pandemic work set-up to be like, download JobStreet's Decoding Global Talent, the ultimate guide to 2021 work trends.

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