Why Checking Career Opportunities Helps You Stay Competitive

Why Checking Career Opportunities Helps You Stay Competitive
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

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It's not hard to imagine being content when you're perfectly happy at work and things are going well. You know the job inside and out, you get along with your superiors and your peers. Plus, you don't think it's such a bad idea to consider advancing in your career in the same company.

You might not even bother updating your resume. What use would it be, if you don't intend to move anywhere, anyway? You might think that there's no point in looking at other career opportunities in Singapore. Not everyone is as lucky as you to be happy where they are currently.

Just because you're looking at jobs out there doesn't mean you have to apply, of course. It just means that you'd like to stay informed of current job and industry trends. It also lets you see how other companies are treating jobs such as yours when it comes to setup, wages, or benefits. After all, it's better to know what your options are even if you don't intend to make use of them.

Here are five reasons why you should keep an eye on career opportunities in Singapore so you can stay competitive in your chosen profession:

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Being on Your Toes Will Make You Want to Improve Yourself.

You may be happy with your work and things are going in the right direction. The problem arises when you start feeling too "safe" or complacent in your current role. What if there was a greater opportunity out there just waiting for you to seize it?

When you look at career opportunities in Singapore, you'll see what your peers' skills are. You'll also see what competencies recruiters are looking for in professionals just like you. It could be mastery of new software, knowledge of business methodologies, or having a certain certification. You'll also be able to assess if your company is providing sufficient development or career development programmes. In 2020, the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) even urged employers to invest in training to maximise the potential of existing workers.

Whether you're actively job hunting or not, knowing these will drive you to seek upskilling opportunities. When you gain new knowledge or develop capabilities, you can bring greater value to both your current and future employers. Don't forget to note these, too, in your resume.

It Keeps You Working Towards Your Career Goals.

When was the last time you took a look at where you are in your career? When you feel secure in your job, you may no longer feel the need to step outside your comfort zone.

2019 report states that thirty-four per cent of Singapore's professionals don't plan on staying with a company beyond a year. Not to be confused with job shopping or job-hopping, of course. These employees want to constantly push themselves to be better at what they do as well as take on more challenging work. According to the survey, those who have been working with their employers for a significant period feel as if they are losing their edge. Stagnation is also an issue for some long-time employees.

By reviewing career opportunities in Singapore, you can see what companies' ideal candidates are like. It will give you a benchmark of who you're up against in the same space and how qualified you are. It will remind you of the importance of staying competent and up-to-date with industry standards. It will also help you stay on track so you can move closer to achieving your career aspirations.

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It Keeps Your Network Alive.

When we stay with an employer, we may not be meeting as many people and fail to expand our network. By looking at career opportunities in Singapore, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and possibilities. When we connect with new people outside our current circle, we increase our chances of catching the eye of recruiters.

You know what they say: "It's not what you know, but who you know." While our knowledge, experience, and skills prove our value as workers, connections play a role in securing leads and referrals.

A simple scroll through your professional network platform reveals how many contacts can introduce you to their colleagues. When recruiters notice your connection to opinion leaders or executives in a reputable company, it makes your profile more attractive. Be intentional and strategic when you add people to your network. Select those who work in companies you are interested in or are in an exciting space or role. You never know what amazing doors this could open for you.

Related: How to Keep Track of Your Connections for Networking Success

It Will Help You Assess Yourself.

When you observe career opportunities in Singapore, you'll be compelled to take a look at your career journey so far. Where are you in your career? How far have you gone? Are you on the right path? How are you as an employee?

Seeing where other people are thriving and what vacancies are available makes you reflect on your career decisions. While it's not always healthy to constantly compare yourself to others, doing it in a professional light fuels your competitive spirit. It motivates you to do better, to improve where possible, and re-ignite that passion when you first started your career.

It also encourages you to be humble. In this age of technological advancements, failing startups, mergers, and company acquisitions, there's no guarantee you'll always have your job. Aside from your employer's performance appraisals, you'll want to reexamine what you want out of your job and your career.

It Leverages Your Value.

Keeping an eye on career opportunities in Singapore doesn't mean you should resign or that there are better jobs elsewhere. It could affirm your decision to stay because your company meets your professional needs and provides sufficient upskilling opportunities.

Being aware of what is out there can help you gauge your value as an employee and your role in the industry more effectively. Also, it's more likely you can fetch higher pay when you're recruited than if you were promoted where you are. Companies tend to put a cap on employees' salary increases, making external job offers more captivating.

Updating your online profile sends a message about how confident you are and it keeps you top of mind. Highlight your work experience, know-how, and unique competencies to stay an attractive candidate. When the time comes that you are ready for the next chapter in your career, recruiters will have you on the top of their list.

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