Latest in Training Trends. Practices to train your talent to it's best

Latest in Training Trends. Practices to train your talent to it's best
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022


Companies with smart HR Policies realize the worth of investing in employees. Providing resource-training increases the productivity of an organization; consequently decreasing turnover. Josh Bersin puts this very well in his Forbes article, ‘The Learning Curve Is The Earning Curve,' (published on 19 April2016) he says, "If we don't stay current, up to date, and continuously re-skilled in our professions (regardless of what they are), we fall behind."

With that said there isn't much need to emphasize on the importance of ‘resource training', instead what we need is, to look into the newest trends that companies can add to their Learning and Development (L&D) programs.


Training the Mobile way:

Most companies today are using the Mobile phone to their benefit; be it conferencing, communicating during off hours and interconnecting from different locations. Some companies have started to understand and utilize the potential of Mobile usage in resource trainings while some are still unfolding the benefits of this avenue.

One of the many possibilities of training on the mobile is the facility of sharing training material with multiple users at the same time, this can be done by forming groups and sharing links, while there is also an app by the name of ‘Slyng'; "Slyng is the free content sharing app that allows you to push useful information to select people around you. Share your content with a larger audience, or use Slyng collaboratively in smaller circles."

There are also apps which have both; paid and free training courses and learning materials for employees, such as Udemy, Skill Pill (this app also allows you to create customized courses) and Designjot (this is a paid app which allows Instructional Designers, trainers, and performance consultants build better training).

Micro Learning:

Micro Learning is a very interesting concept developed especially to suit today's multi tasking, fast moving work styles. This model offers small sized training courses that offer cohesive information in a short span of time.

Utilizing Social Media:

Social Media is generally perceived as a tool for entertainment, however if used properly this can provide great means for training employees. Companies can have their own blogs with content relative to trainings, Facebook pages where everyone can contribute content, hold discussions and comment. A very big social tool is video sharing that can aid L&D to a great extent; Videos from Trainees all around the world can be put together on one forum for all. Social media Apps also make conducting tests and exams along with announcing results, just a tap away.

Acquiring International Talent:

In the years gone by it used to be a talk of the town if a company managed to invite international talent or speakers to conduct a session simply because travel is always costly and time consuming whereas today, physical travel is not the need of the time. You can be anywhere and communicate everywhere at the same time. With this ease it is extremely doable to acquire the best talent from world over, to conduct trainings and courses for your employees online, globally, all at the same time. Well known trainers can be invited for online conferences and courses.


According to the ‘Casual Games Sector Report 2015' Southeast Asia is the world's fastest growing games region. In Southeast Asia, out of a population of 626 million, 188 million (30%) is the online population, while 126 million are gamers. Similarly 155 million Americans are regular video game players. Looking at the trends, it is obvious how passionately people are gaming these days; this makes gaming a high potential training tool. Companies are investing in creating games based on training material. Some training games also include competing with other employees, making L&D challenging.

Content Curation:

The term Content Curation refers to collecting data and sorting, and organizing it in one place. With millions of articles and resources available, it is a tedious job to sort out relevant data, arrange it and compile it together for resource training. Content Curation does not involve creating new content.


If companies follow the Latest Trends in Training Employees and stay up to date, they are bound to yield positive results; having a great team of employees to work with, making the environment positive and the turnover voluminous.

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