It can be challenging to find employment opportunities in the new normal no matter how ready you are for work. In response to immediately hiring, we're offering you a fresh and easier way to get in contact with prospective employers fast.
Make yourself more visible by updating your profile on Jobstreet with the tag #WorkNow. Employers with urgent recruiting requirements can notice you easier when they look for applicants who are eligible for #WorkNow.
As a new service that helps you stand out, #WorkNow isour wayto engage talent that can instantly begin working with employers who have urgent hiring needs.
Finally, check your privacy settings to make sure that employers can find you when they are searching for talents.
Now you're all prepared to have employers noticing youmore!
In these difficult times, we at Jobstreet are focused on providing the support you need to facilitate job hunting with constant updates of relevant job openings from various companies.
1. You can create a Jobstreetaccount and follow the easy steps below.
Finally, check your privacy settings to make sure that employers can find you when they are searching for talents.
With just a few easy steps, now you can begin your search to work opportunities. At Jobstreet, we are proud to be Singapore's leading career partner.
We'vealso formed a COVID-19 Jobs & Resources Hub where you will be able to find updated and relevant resources to encourage and empower you in your job search.
Visit us today and let us help andsupport you, because we are rising above our challenges #TogetherAhead.