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Best Colors To Wear to a Job Interview
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

smoking Singapore, 16 Aug, 2012: According to a recent survey conducted by, smokers take an average of one to four smoke breaks per day, each lasting 5-10 minutes. Despite smokers taking up to 40 minutes on smoke breaks alone, local employees surveyed remain nonchalant about how this may affect work productivity in general. Rather, the harmful effects of inhaling second-hand smoke emerged as the top concern amongst non-smokers. Over 250 non-smokers die each yearin Singapore from exposure to second-hand smoke.

On whether smokers should be allowed to smoke during working hours, only 44% replied positively with majority citing that it is an individual's lifestyle choice. The remaining who indicated that smoking should be disallowed during working hours cited reasons below:

• 70% raised the concern of protecting non smokers from the effects of inhaling second-hand smoke

• 42% indicated that productivity is compromised waiting for smokers to get back to work

• 31% highlighted the need to ensure fair distribution of working hours

56% of the respondents indicated that they are contented with the current non-smoking areas in public areas and expressed no need for expansion. Most respondents revealed that they will politely request for colleagues lighting up at the non-smoking zones to adjourn somewhere else for their puff. 30% will go to the extent of avoiding these smokers by moving away.

On sharing of personal experiences, the common revelation by respondents indicated that productivity and work attitudes are not being compromised by their smoking co-workers. Instead, the common peeve amongst non-smokers is the lingering smell that trail smokers after their puff.

About 2,300 respondents participated in this survey conducted in July 2012, of which only 19% indicated that they are smokers. Whilst employees in general, do not consider smoking as a hindrance to productivity, employers are likely to suffer from the brunt of it through increased absenteeism and lower levels of concentration.

Source URL: Tobacco Free Singapore,



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