The Proactive Guide for Your Next Performance Review - Infographic

The Proactive Guide for Your Next Performance Review - Infographic
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

Performance reviews can either be a rewarding or frustrating experience, depending on the outcome. If you wish to benefit from more constructive reviews, perhaps it's time to take a more proactive approach to it. It's a review about your performance after all. It is up to you to influence your boss's appraisal of your efforts and contribution.

Our infographic lays out the 7 essential steps you can take to ensure a positive evaluation at your next review. Planning is everything, and the same rule applies to your performance review. During the months leading up to your review date, take a proactive approach and tick off the following boxes to prepare for it.

Proactive-Guide-for-Your-Next-Performance-Review (2)

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