's Industry Nites-Jointly brought to you by theNational Library Board, we invite you and your friends to join us for an enjoyable evening together with other professionals at the National Library. Offering you the opportunities to listen, discuss and network with fellow industry professionals, this evening promises to be a light and informative session.This month's speakers and topics Singapore's Transition towards a Knowledge, Innovation and Service based Economy - Challenges & Opportunities Dr. Frank Siegfried, Director, Black Moon Pte Ltd After outlining his understanding of the rationales behind Singapore's transition, Frank explains the most immanent challenges until 2030. Encapsulated are 10 challenges pointed out by SM Goh in 2009, recent developments, emerging megatrends in a globalized world, and benchmarks from other cities / countries to discuss Singapore's strategy to differentiate itself. Frank will show the logical consequences of this strategy and how it affects Singapore's businesses and professionals. Prominent examples are Increased demands for leadership skills and the perception of people as the firm's most important strategic asset including examples of how challenges can be turned into opportunities for businesses and professionals to prepare themselves for the future. Join us in this exclusive event as we take a look in-depth at imminent challenges that Singapore may face from now till 2030. |