Stairway to Promotion: Luck, Good Network or Superior's Favouritism?

Stairway to Promotion: Luck, Good Network or Superior's Favouritism?
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022


Stairway to Promotion: Luck, Good Network or Superior's Favouritism?

Promotion sentiments in's report provide in-depth insights into the perceived protocols in moving up to the organisational structure.

SINGAPORE, 20 April 2017— A brand-new Job Promotions Report by has revealed a mismatch between Singapore employers' and employees' perceptions on job promotions. Singapore employees vote for human quotient as the top factor for promotion, while on the other hand, hirers believe on-the job skills are the most important.

Also, Singapore has a low formal promotion percentage: Companiestake the longest time to offer promotions to employees,registering an average of 46 months- 13 months longer than the region's average of 33 months.

These are the key findings from'Job Promotions Report 2017 - which sets to understand the promotion process through examining nascent trends and various factors influencing promotions as well as employees' attitudes towards promotion practices. The report surveyed 10,389 employed individuals and 518 employers from a blend of industries and specializations across seven countries: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam.

The data revealed a disparity between Singaporean employees' and hirers' perceptions on promotions. Employees in Singapore believe that one's circle of influence has the most impact on his promotion. They rate it the number one factor after leadership traits, performance/attitude, on-the-job skills and tenure. Hirers, on the other hand, believe on-the-job skills are the most important, and place circle of influence as the least important.


""This mismatch may be shaped by the working environment's cultural differences and perceptions derived from employees' previous working experiences. The differing opinions raises speculations on promotion practices leading to negative sentiments in this competitive and matured job market," said Ms Chook Yuh Yng, Country Manager of Singapore.

When asked to rate the promotion practices in their company,more than 75% of Singapore employees said they are given more duties or responsibilitieswhile only 41% reported receiving a formal promotion. Singapore companies alsooffer the lowest salary increase, an average of 14%,compared with the region's 16 to 24%. The discrepancy may affect employees' morale as the extra responsibilities that come with a promotion do not translate into added value in their careers.

The survey further discussed on the mismatch perceptions between hirers and employees. Singapore hirers agreed on top management as the most influential person for promotions. Employees voted for Department Head.


Other key highlights of the survey revealed that:

  • 58.4% of respondents who received a promotion did not gain any additional benefit apart from a salary increase.
  • Majority of promotions across the seven countries occurred in January, June and December.
  • 50% of hirers in Singapore reported that the budget for promotions in companies is not cast in stone, indicating that promotion opportunities are available for those who perform well.

Singapore employees view promotion practices negatively

Is there fairness in the promotion processes? What about the outcomes? In Singapore, employees have negative feelings towards both, rating the fairness of promotion processes a 2.64 out of seven, and the fairness of promotion outcomes a 3.23. This is below the regional averages of 3.48 and 4.11 for the respective categories.

The negative sentiments could be due to the various above-mentioned mismatches between employees and hirers' expectations. The long waiting time for a promotion — 4.96 years, across all positions — could also be a contributing factor.

"The results of the survey can be a good reference point for hirers and employees. Hirers can use the promotion sentiment to improve their talent management strategies and policies while employees can take note of factors that influence promotions to hone their skills, and better ready themselves in their careers," said Ms Chook.

- END -

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