10 signs your job interview went well

10 signs your job interview went well
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

Waiting for the result of a job interview can be a lot of guesswork. It is normal for jobseekers to think about what they did wrong during the interview than on what they did right. While your chances of being considered for part-time or full-time job can be difficult to figure out, there are some things you can look out for to help assess your success after the interview.

While the following signs are not 100% accurate, they are good indicators that you have made a positive first impression on the interviewer.


1. Return engagement

When the interviewer invites you for another round of interviews, chances are, you're one-step closer to your dream job. Hiring managers and employers alike won't spend their time inviting you to the next round if they aren't interested in getting to know you more.


2. Request for references

Another positive sign you left a good impression on the interviewer is when they request that you provide them with professional references. That means you're moving forward in the hiring process with the company, and that they are keen to find out more about your experience and credentials through background checks with your chosen references.


3. Team introductions

When the hiring manager or the employer introduces you to the rest of the team or tells you that there are a couple of people he/she would like you to meet, chances are, you have the job in the bag. It's a chance for them to see how well you'll fit in with your potential teammates.


4. Next steps

Another positive sign that the interview went well and that you're almost certain of being hired is when you're asked about how soon will you be able to start. A hiring manager that's interested in moving forward with an offer will typically ask you about your availability, as well as inform you of the next steps to take (document submissions, clearances, etc.).


5. Discussing salary expectations

When the hiring manager opens up the discussion on salary expectations, they are more likely to be seriously considering your application.

We must warn you to be very cautious when answering salary questions though. Prepare ahead of time by having your current compensation details written down for your own reference - if asked - and have an idea of how you will answer this question.


6. HR relationships

The people from the HR department are your first point of communication during the job search process. Often, after the job interview, the kind of feedback you get from them can be an indication of your chances of getting hired. Do take note of their comments, as they're a great guide to your projected result.


7. Question and answer

Interviewers keen on moving you to the next step in the process will ask you if you have any questions or inquiries about the company and the job itself.

Clearly, when you have either the hiring manager or the employer trying to sell you on the business, the team, and the position, then you're more likely to get offered the chance to join the company.


8. Keep the ball rolling

It is safe to assume that if the hiring manager or the employer is genuinely interested in bringing you to the next level of the job application process, they will spend more time getting to know you. If they are not interested in your candidacy, they won't even bother interviewing you longer than necessary.


9. Non-verbal cues

Non-verbal signals are also a good indicator of how well you did on your interview. Keep an eye on non-verbal cues such as note-taking, smiles, and head nods. These signs can mean that the interviewer is seriously considering your application.


10. Perfect fit

While the perfect candidate doesn't actually exist, employers try to find the next best thing by finding somebody who not only meets the job's requirements but one who would also easily fit in with the team environment. To find that lucky candidate, they may try to talk about the company's culture with their prospect during the interview process. Lucky for you when the talk veers in this direction as it's a good sign that the employer is interested in hiring you.

This is why it's important that you research about the company, the job posting, and the organization as a whole so you can position yourself as the perfect fit for the job opening.


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