50 ways to say ‘Thank you for your support’ in the workplace

50 ways to say ‘Thank you for your support’ in the workplace
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 15 August, 2023

When you were a kid, you were taught to say "Thank you" for presents and courtesies. As you grow older, you realise that receiving guidance, financial assistance, emotional support, and physical care all merit a sincere "Thank you." In the workplace, expressing gratitude is important in fostering positive relationships and a healthy work environment.

This article will provide specific examples of expressing gratitude for support in various contexts. Explore creative ways to express your appreciation and say "Thank you" beyond just saying the words.

Why saying ‘Thank you’ is important

It feels good when people recognise and appreciate the things you do. A simple  “Thank you” can instantly uplift anyone’s mood.

In the workplace, acknowledging the efforts and contributions of others makes them feel valued and recognised. Gratitude can lead to various advantages, including increased happiness, improved mental and physical health, and strengthened relationships. 

Gratitude can be a powerful tool for making friends and building healthy relationships by fostering positive emotions, increasing empathy and understanding, and creating a sense of connection and mutual respect.

Choosing the right words

Context is key to showing genuine gratitude. Sometimes, a simple "Thanks" is enough, while other situations require more specific words. It's good to be mindful when appreciating your co-worker's actions or contributions. Verbalising what you're thankful for makes a lot of difference. 

Here are some examples:

  • “Thank you for filling in for me last week. I'm thankful because I was able to take care of personal affairs.”
  • “I can’t thank you enough for sharing your Excel know-how for my report. You've really helped me.”
  • “Thank you for helping me coordinate and coming with me to the photoshoot. I couldn't have done it without you.

Expressing gratitude in writing

A thank you note

Writing is an excellent way to show gratitude for what people have done for you. A simple card or thank-you letter for help and support at work can greatly impact your professional relationships. 

Here are some pointers for writing a touching message:

  • Address the recipient by name.
  • Specify what you're thankful for and how it has impacted you. 
  • Share a personal anecdote or memory that highlights the recipient's kindness. 

Saying ‘Thank you’ in person

Act of gift giving

Thanking someone in person is an opportunity to show genuine appreciation and establish a deeper personal connection. Plus, your facial expressions and gestures add authenticity to your message. 

Here are some practical tips when expressing gratitude in person:

  • Smile. You know how, even when they’re wearing a face mask, you can tell when someone is smiling? It’s all in the eyes. A sincere smile goes a long way in showing your colleague how much you value their assistance.
  • Keep eye contact. Looking your colleague in the eye shows you're sincere and in the moment. But don't make it awkward by staring the whole time!
  • Use a firm handshake. A solid handshake can express authenticity and respect.
  • Use a warm and friendly tone. How you say "Thank you" can change, depending on your tone. 
  • Give a small gift. If this is accepted in your workplace, why not? A tiny symbol of appreciation, such as a small treat or a trinket, with a smile and a “Thank you,” can certainly make a difference.

When showing gratitude, it’s also essential to consider the context and the relationship you have with the person you’re thanking. 

Here are some pointers to consider when creating a "Thank you" message:

  • Think about the recipient's personality and communication style. Are they more formal or casual? Do they appreciate humour, or prefer a serious tone?
  • Consider the reason for your thank-you message. Is it for a specific action they did, or a general expression of gratitude for their presence in your life?
  • Take into account the relationship you have with the person. Are they your close friend, family member, or professional colleague?
  • Keep in mind the occasion and the reason you’re thanking them. Is it a personal or professional gesture? Is it a small or significant gesture?
  • Be mindful of cultural differences. Some cultures have specific ways of showing gratitude and respect. This may impact the way your message is received.
  • Be timely. Whether it's a quick email or a heartfelt conversation, don't wait too long before you convey your appreciation.

Remember that expressing gratitude doesn't have to be a spectacular gesture. Even small, personal expressions of thanks can have a big impact. 

50 ways to say it, and when

There are endless ways to say thank you. Read on to find examples of “Thank you for your support” messages for every situation: 

After receiving a promotion

Expressing gratitude after a job promotion shows that you value and appreciate the trust and opportunities given to you. It demonstrates humility and presents you as a good person who’s easy to work with. Plus, by simply being grateful, you ensure that more opportunities and stronger work relationships aren't too far off.

In your thank-you note, always include your sincere appreciation for the promotion, highlighting how this advancement will positively impact your career. Maintain a professional tone and avoid overly familiar or informal language. Refrain from negotiating for a higher salary or criticising colleagues – there’s an appropriate time for that. 


  1. Dear (Manager's Name), I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the promotion. Thank you for the unwavering support you've shown me throughout my career. I'm thrilled to take on new challenges and to contribute to the team.

  2. Dear (Manager's Name), thank you for the chance for me to keep learning and developing in my new position. I appreciate your trust in me to take on these new duties and challenges. I'm eager to accept them and offer the team a new perspective.

  3. I’m honoured to receive this promotion and grateful for your confidence in me. I look forward to continuing working together on impactful projects.

  4. Dear (Manager's Name), I appreciate the opportunity to take on new challenges and responsibilities. I am excited to see what the future holds, and am always thankful for your support.

  5. I am humbled by the promotion and grateful for your investment in my growth. I’m excited to continue learning from you.

  6. I am honoured by this promotion and eager to take on new challenges. I also appreciate this chance to keep improving in my area of expertise.

  7. I am grateful for the promotion and am eager to help the team succeed. Your support means a lot to me. 

  8. I am thrilled by the promotion and grateful for your mentorship. Thank you for your trust in my capabilities.

  9. I am truly grateful for the promotion. Your leadership inspires me to work harder. 

  10. I appreciate the recognition, and am eager to contribute to the team's success in my new role.

After a successful project completion

After completing a project, sending your team members a thank-you note for their dedication, hard work, and effort improves morale, fosters goodwill, and establishes a collaborative spirit for future projects. 

When thanking your team, show how much you recognise and value everyone's time and talent. Be specific about how individual efforts contributed to the project's outcome.


  1. Dear team, thank you for your dedication to (project name). Your work and expertise were critical to completing this job, and I appreciate all your contributions.

  2. To my amazing team, thank you for your commitment and assistance with (project name). Your dedication, teamwork, and tenacity have been essential to our success, and I’m honoured to be a part of such a remarkable group.

  3. Thank you, (Team Member's Name), for your diligence and attention to detail during (project name). Your contribution was essential to our success, and I appreciate everything you do.

  4. I appreciate the dedication and commitment of my fantastic team to (project name). We accomplished a lot by working together, and I am pleased with what we achieved.

  5. Dear (Team Member's Name), thank you for all your help, unwavering commitment, and dedication to (project name). Your tenacity and willingness to go above and beyond made all the difference.

  6. I appreciate my team's hard work and commitment to (project name). Our success was largely due to your collaboration and willingness to take on challenges. I feel privileged to have worked with such a remarkable group of people.

  7. Dear (Team Member's Name), your contribution to (project name) was highly valuable. Thank you for your time and effort in making it a success.

  8. I sincerely thank (Team Member's Name) for your important contribution to the (project name). Your time and expertise were crucial to the accomplishment of this project, and I appreciate how committed you were.

  9. I appreciate your hard work and commitment to (project name), (Team Member's Name). Working with you was enjoyable, and you played a major part in our achievement.

  10. I want to express my gratitude to my wonderful team for all of your efforts on (project name). Your contributions have been priceless, and I am lucky to work with such a talented and encouraging bunch of people.

After receiving mentorship or guidance

Google may be helpful for almost anything and everything, but nothing beats mentorship by an actual person. Real-life tutoring that comes from experience is invaluable. If you’re lucky enough to receive it in your professional life, it's important to express your gratitude for the time and effort your mentors dedicated to guiding you.

By expressing your gratitude, you encourage them to keep supporting and mentoring you as they know you value their counsel. Keep your thank-you note professional, sincere, and concise.


  1. Thank you for your help and support, (Mentor's Name). Your support and guidance have made all the difference in helping me overcome (a specific challenge or task).

  2. Thank you for investing your time and energy in me. Your feedback has helped me develop personally and professionally in a big way.

  3. Thanks for being an amazing mentor and teaching me so much about (a particular subject or skill) over the past few months. I'm excited to continue using what I've learned.

  4. Thank you for being a great role model and inspiration. Your advice has been essential to my development and advancement.

  5. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. Your mentorship has given me the skills and confidence to reach my goals.

  6. Thank you for your expert direction and advice on (specific project). The insights from your experience have been incredibly helpful to me.

  7. Thank you for putting in the effort to help me grow and develop. I'm excited to continue learning under your guidance.

  8. Thank you for your advice and encouragement. Your guidance has helped me overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

  9. Thank you for your guidance and support, (Mentor's Name). Your mentorship has been invaluable in helping me acquire the abilities and mindset I need to succeed.

  10. Thank you for your patience, encouragement, and support. Your guidance has helped me navigate difficult situations and make meaningful progress.

After receiving support during a personal crisis

When a personal crisis becomes too overwhelming, performing well at work is difficult. Receiving assistance from co-workers helps you get things done, while easing your mind, knowing that others are rooting for you.

Thanking co-workers for their support during a personal crisis maintains a healthy work environment and builds deeper professional connections. 


  1. Dear (Colleague's Name), I appreciate all of your help during this trying time. I couldn't have survived without your compassion and understanding. You have made a huge difference. More than words can express, I value you, and I'm here for you if you need any assistance.

  2. Thank you for your assistance and for being there when I needed it most. Your support and encouragement have been amazing. I'm here for you too.

  3. Thanks for the help and incredible support over the past few weeks. Your empathy and listening ear have made a lot of difference.

  4. Your kindness and compassion have made all the difference. Thank you for being a wonderful colleague. Let me know if you need my help.

  5. Thank you for your unwavering support during my personal crisis. Your encouragement has helped me stay strong. Let me know if you need anything from me. I'm more than willing to help.

  6. Thank you for being a source of strength during a challenging time. Your kindness has made a world of difference. Let me know if you need my help.

  7. I appreciate your help throughout my personal situation. Your compassion has been an anchor. If you require anything from me, let me know.

  8. Thank you for your support during this difficult time. Your kindness has made a significant impact. Let me know if you ever need my support.

  9. Thanks for being an amazing co-worker and supporting me during tough times. Your compassion has significantly impacted me, and I'm here for you if you ever need anything.

  10. I can't tell you how much your encouragement and support meant to me through this difficult time. I'm blessed to have you because of your incredible compassion and understanding. If you ever need anything, know that I am also available to help. 

After receiving support for professional development

It's also good to express gratitude when you receive support for professional development, such as access to conferences, seminars, or learning materials. Your employer or manager invested in your growth, and showing appreciation encourages them to keep supporting you and your career goals.

When saying “Thank you,” let them know how their support has contributed to your career development. Keep it concise, personal, and genuine.


  1. Thank you for sending me to the (conference/seminar/workshop)! I learned a lot and met some great people. Your support means a lot to me.

  2. Thank you for the (training/learning materials). They have been incredibly helpful in expanding my knowledge and skills.

  3. Thank you for supporting my attendance at (conference/seminar/workshop). It was an amazing experience, and I gained valuable insights that I can apply to my work.

  4. Thank you for being a fantastic mentor and supporting my professional development. Your guidance and encouragement have been invaluable to me.

  5. Thank you for providing me with (training/learning materials). Your support has been instrumental in my growth, and I am grateful for your help.

  6. Attending (conference/seminar/workshop) was such an enriching experience. Thank you for the opportunity to go and learn from some of the best in our field.

  7. Thank you for supporting my professional development by providing resources to attend (conference/seminar/workshop).

  8. Thank you for being a thoughtful mentor and guiding me on my professional development journey. Your encouragement and advice mean the world to me.

  9. Thank you for providing me with (training/learning materials). Your support has been instrumental in my growth and development.

  10. Your encouragement and guidance have been crucial to my career success. I appreciate everything you do to support my learning and development.

Non-verbal ways to show appreciation

While we've given you many great examples, sometimes words alone aren't enough to show gratitude. What if you're sent by the office to a foreign country and don't speak the language? Or maybe a colleague comes to your rescue during a presentation, and you can't express your appreciation at the moment? In situations like these, using non-verbal cues to convey gratitude is more effective.

Here are some gestures you can use when the situation calls for it. 

  • Nod – A simple nod usually expresses agreement, but also gratitude when in the right context.
  • Genuine smile – A smile shows appreciation, and is best for when you are feeling shy or at a loss for words.
  • Handshake – It’s a common gesture used in many cultures to show respect and appreciation. 
  • Thumbs up – A thumbs up can indicate approval or agreement, but it can also be a way to say thank you.
  • Clapping – Show your appreciation with a round of applause. You can do this in public settings like concerts, performances, and speeches.

There are many other non-verbal expressions and hand gestures, but it’s important to be mindful of the situation where these are appropriate. It’s always a good idea to educate yourself about cultural norms on different gestures to avoid offending other cultures.

Creative ways to express gratitude

A thank you note

Sometimes words and actions are not enough to express appreciation. Here are some creative ways to say “Thank you.” 

  • Cook a special meal or treat. If you’re confident with your skills in the kitchen, a home-made meal or baked goodies is a great way to show appreciation. Bonus points if you know their favourite and can make it for them! 
  • Send a bouquet of flowers or a plant. Gifting flowers or plants is a tried-and-true way of communicating gratitude.
  • Plan a surprise party or event. A small gathering with friends or family of the person you're thanking is a thoughtful way to show gratitude for what they've done for you. 

But what if the budget is a little tight? It's great that being thankful doesn't have to come with a price tag! Here are a few ways to say "Thank you" without breaking the bank: 

  • Write a creative letter or create a digital collage. It's a bit sentimental, but this is a good way to show appreciation to someone you are close to. 
  • Create a gratitude jar. Find an empty, clean, preferably nice-looking jar or container, cut some paper, and write down what you’re grateful for about the person. Reading compliments and small messages of gratitude will make their day.  
  • Offer your time and attention. Sometimes the best "Thank you" you can express to someone is to let them know you have their back, too.

Whether it's a grand gesture or a creative project, it’s important to be genuine and show that you've put thought and effort into it.

Best time to say ‘Thank you’

Recognising someone's assistance, kindness, or support as soon as possible is appropriate, regardless of how small the gesture or how significant the contribution. 

Expressing gratitude early on can also help strengthen relationships, showing that you value the person and their efforts. A timely “Thank you” can make someone feel appreciated, respected, and valued.

There are certain situations where you can take more time to say “Thank you.” For example, if someone sent you a gift for a special occasion, like a wedding, sending a thank-you note or message a few days after the event is acceptable.

What to do if you can't say ‘Thank you’ in person

Sometimes, it's not possible to say "Thank you" in person because of distance, time constraints, or other circumstances. That doesn't mean you can't express your appreciation. 

Finding alternative ways can help maintain and strengthen relationships, even when you can't be there in person. Here are some ways to show your appreciation even when you're not face-to-face: 

  • A simple text, email, or handwritten note will go a long way. 
  • A social media post is a great way to publicly acknowledge their efforts and let them know how much you appreciate them.
  • Send a small gift or token of gratitude. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. The important thing is to choose something that will be meaningful to the recipient. Extra points if it's handmade!

How to respond to ‘Thank you’

Just as saying "Thank you" has become second nature to you even as a child, the response has also been ingrained from your formative years: "You're welcome." Know that there are other ways to acknowledge someone's gratitude and show your appreciation. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Formal situations call for a more professional tone. For example, in an interview or business meeting, try saying, "I'm happy to help" or "It’s my pleasure to assist you."
  • In everyday situations, like when holding the door open for someone, a simple "You're welcome" or a non-verbal gesture like a smile or a nod is an appropriate response. 
  • A more relaxed answer is appropriate for casual situations with friends or family. Try saying "No problem" or "Any time" to show you're happy to help. 

Responding to "Thank you" is not just about acknowledging the expression of gratitude, but also about showing appreciation for the opportunity to help or be of service. By responding positively and appreciatively, you can strengthen your relationships and show that you value the people in your life.

Dealing with feelings of awkwardness

Sometimes it's not always easy to express your feelings, gratitude included, especially if you feel awkward or uncomfortable doing so. To help you be at ease, you can try these tips: 

  • Take a deep breath. Focus and take a moment to collect your thoughts and centre yourself.
  • Be honest. If you're feeling awkward, don't be afraid to acknowledge it. Being honest about your feelings can help to diffuse the situation and make others feel more comfortable.
  • Use positive language. Your words and tone should focus on the other person's actions and contributions. 
  • Practise active listening. When someone expresses their gratitude to you, fully engage with what they're saying. Active listening can help to make the other person feel heard and appreciated, even if the situation feels awkward.
  • Follow up. After an awkward situation, checking in on the other person and ensuring they feel appreciated can be helpful. 

How to make your ‘Thank you’ meaningful

In today's fast-paced society, words can easily lose meaning and sound insincere. Before saying "thank you," take the time to know what you really want to say and express it in a way that feels true to you. There are many unique and creative ways to say “Thank you”; be thoughtful in finding the right words and gestures.  

Authenticity in saying “Thank you” is important because it shows that you truly appreciate and value what someone has done for you. Always be specific about what you’re thanking someone for, and do it as soon as you can. 

Whether it’s through a one-on-one chat, during a team meeting, in a public setting, or in a written message, expressing gratitude in a genuine and heartfelt manner can strengthen relationships and build trust. 


There are many creative ways to say thank you, from verbal expressions to non-verbal cues and written notes. 

It's essential to consider the timing of your thank you, the authenticity of your expression, and the impact of your words or actions. Expressing gratitude makes everyone feel good — so take the time to show your appreciation and make your "Thank you" meaningful. In a world that often seems rushed and impersonal, gratitude can be a powerful force for spreading positivity and building genuine connections.

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  1. What if I don't feel grateful for the support I received? 
    If you don't feel grateful for the support you received, it's important to understand why and to communicate your feelings in a respectful and constructive way. Whether the support didn't meet your expectations, or you feel the person had ulterior motives, it's still good to express gratitude alongside feedback. 

  2. Is it appropriate to say ‘Thank you’ via text or email?
    It is! This is especially true if it's the most convenient way to communicate with the person who provided support.

  3. How often should I express gratitude?
    There are no rules on how frequently you should express gratitude, but it's always a good idea to do so when appropriate. It's crucial to be sincere, though, and avoid going overboard.

  4. What if I can't afford to give a gift to show my appreciation? 
    It's not necessary to give gifts to express gratitude. A sincere thank-you message, delivered in the best possible way, is just as significant.

  5. Should I apologise for needing support before saying thank you?
    You don't need to apologise for needing assistance. However, if the support you required caused inconvenience to another person, it’s appropriate to say “Sorry.” Otherwise, just show your gratitude for the help you received. 

  6. Can I express gratitude to someone I don't know well?
    Yes. Whether you know a person well or not, expressing gratitude is always appreciated. 

  7. Is it okay to say ‘Thank you’ in a public setting?
    A public "Thank you" is a great way to show your appreciation. For example, thanking your team publicly for a job well done boosts morale. Remember, however, that there are some situations where a public “Thank you” may not be appropriate and cause discomfort to the receiver.

    ⁠Before publicly praising someone, consider the context and impact of your remarks. If you're unsure whether public appreciation is acceptable, it's best to be cautious and express your gratitude privately.

  8. How can I make my thank-you note more personal?
    To make your thank-you card more personal, include details about what the person did to help you, and how it made a difference in your life.

  9. Should I explain how the support helped me when saying ‘Thank you’?
    Yes, explaining how the support helped you can make your gratitude more impactful and show the person that their effort was truly appreciated.

  10. Is it okay to use humour when expressing gratitude?
    Yes! Using humour can be a great way to lighten the mood and show appreciation in a fun and creative way. It can break down boundaries and foster a sense of camaraderie among employees. However, it must be used correctly. Harmful or insulting jokes should be avoided.

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