Top Reasons That Would Make Jobseekers Accept A Job Offer

Top Reasons That Would Make Jobseekers Accept A Job Offer
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 02 March, 2023

What do you look for in a job? Is it a higher salary? A fancy new title? The option to work anywhere you want? Or is it all of the above?

Around 75 per cent of respondents in Singapore receive job offers multiple times a year, reveals JobStreet’s Future of Recruitment analysis. The report, which was a collaboration with The Boston Consulting Group and The Network, is the world’s largest survey on recruitment preferences –– comprising 6,923 respondents of various age groups, work experiences, employment statuses and industries in Singapore alone. Its goal is to deliver global-scale data with local depth.

However, despite the majority, the number does not necessarily translate to new jobs since not everyone is willing to move. These days, individuals consider several things before they decide to quit.

In a survey conducted by The Straits Times, most Singaporeans answered that they are concerned about job security, with 79 per cent of respondents choosing the state of the economy and jobs as their topmost concern in 2022. Health and social support, home and living environment, and environmental and fiscal sustainability follow. All these concerns impact their decision-making, and employees would want to ascertain that their prospective hirer ticks all these boxes before crossing over.

For most Singaporeans, a job opportunity has to come with attractive benefits for them to consider the proposal. A good offer, for example, would include a higher salary, upward career progress, and the chance to have a better work-life balance. Not many Singaporeans are looking for a new job; the report found that only 28 per cent of the respondents are actively looking, while 54 per cent have said that while they’re not actively looking, they would be open if the terms were acceptable.

Here are some notable insights into what Singaporean jobseekers are looking for.

What Do Singaporeans Look for in a Job?

Work-life balance 

In 2022, Singapore was named the most overworked country in the Asia Pacific region, with employees working an average of 45 hours per week. It has led to 73 per cent of Singaporean employees admitting they are unhappy and 62 per cent feeling burnt out. In the Future of Recruitment report, 71 per cent of the Singaporean respondents confessed that their long-term motivation is to have a good work-life balance to make time for their family, friends and hobbies.

Jobseekers may want to ask potential employers about flexible work hours, improved paid time offs, special benefits for childcare, and other perks that can all help support work-life balance.

Good financial compensation

According to the Future of Recruitment report, financial compensation, including salary and bonuses, is a top deal breaker when accepting a job. While all the respondents ranked this first, Singaporeans ranked it higher (27 per cent) than the region (22 per cent) and the rest of the world (21 per cent).

The cost of living is a primary concern that most Singaporeans worry about, especially with inflation continuing to impact their day-to-day expenses. According to JobStreet’s Hiring, Compensation & Benefits 2022-2023 Outlook, 70 per cent of candidates will reject a job offer if the salary package doesn't satisfy their needs. Employees who aren’t keen to leave their current role could benefit from managing their finances better or asking their employer for a raise.

A good relationship with their manager 

Singaporean respondents prioritise a relationship with their superior more (14 per cent) than the rest of the SEA region (10 per cent) and the rest of the world (12 per cent). On the list of potential deal breakers when accepting a job, having a good relationship with the boss ranks third for Singapore.

Good working relationships are crucial in every company. Getting along harmoniously helps make the daily workload more manageable, especially since you spend most of your day at work. Employees should feel that they can easily approach their superiors to discuss issues at work, whether it is a technical problem on a project or a personal issue with another co-worker. Many employees would also appreciate a good mentor to help guide them in their careers and will find that they are more motivated to work in a company that offers them such.

On a related note, the organisational culture of a company, or the set of beliefs, values and practices that guide a firm’s decisions, can also be valuable information for every jobseeker. Employees want to feel like they fit in with the company, and a shared set of values is a good place to start.

Opportunity for career development 

The survey, which explores the gap between candidates wanting jobs and employers looking for talent, also states that those actively looking for new work were more open to roles that present better opportunities for upward career progression. Furthermore, respondents who said they are actively looking are seeking positions of higher seniority.

Nobody wants to be stuck in a career rut. Doing the same thing every day leads to demotivation, boredom and lower productivity at work. If an employee loses that drive, it might prompt them to search for other opportunities.

Hybrid working 

The majority of the survey respondents (71 per cent) said that they prefer the hybrid model of working, spending a few days of work at home, and some days of work in the office. It is higher than the global average of 54 per cent, as well as the Southeast Asia region average of 62 per cent.

This preference for a middle ground validates the Singaporean’s need for more work-life balance, which can be addressed by having the best of both workplaces. Being able to work from home gives them more time to spend with their family and save on transportation costs. On the other hand, working at the office allows them to connect with their colleagues in person and collaborate more efficiently on projects.

The report also found that Singaporeans are more cautious about their bargaining position in the labour market, with 8 per cent (against 16 per cent globally) feeling fully confident in negotiating the job offers they receive. Looking for a new job and accepting a new role are major life decisions. It’s important to take your time and reflect on the different factors that motivate you in the workplace, and whether it’s time to take your shot. Negotiating your job offer can bring you one step closer to achieving your dream job.

Learn more about finding your dream job by checking out JobStreet’s Career Resources page for some vital career insights. Or #SEEKBetter jobs on JobStreet now to achieve your career goals. Download our app on Google Play and the App Store to check our list of openings.

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