Understanding Personal Skills: Definition, Examples, and Improvement Techniques

Understanding Personal Skills: Definition, Examples, and Improvement Techniques
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 26 August, 2024

Your career success depends on more than just technical expertise. You also need soft skills such as communicating well with people and motivating yourself. Whether you are trying to find a job or advance your career, developing strong personal skills can help you achieve your goals.

We answer the question “What are personal skills?” and provide useful tips on improving them.

The topics we will cover include:

What are personal skills?

Also known as soft skills, personal skills can make you a good communicator, strong team player, or effective leader. They can improve your ability to thrive in your workplace. They increase your value as an employee. These skills are important in today's fast-paced, competitive work environment.

A survey found that 73% of Singapore professionals think companies are more willing to hire based on skills alone. So, if you want to land the desired job or boost your career growth, improving your personal skills is essential.

Developing personal skills is acquiring and improving personality traits. They make your interactions better and help you do your job well. One example of a personal skill is time management. This skill can help you meet deadlines and complete tasks according to expectations.

Personal skills are different from technical skills in that they are intangible. Employers can assess hard skills based on educational qualifications and practical experience. Since personal skills are harder to define, they can be more challenging to learn.

Why are personal skills important?

Personal skills play a vital role in your professional growth and success. They can help you talk to team members, colleagues, supervisors, and customers. This results in better communication and collaboration. It fosters a sense of unity and collaboration among workplace colleagues. Good personal skills can make a positive impression and help you advance in your career.

Employers value job seekers and employees with strong personal skills. Such individuals can be valuable assets to their companies. They can help an organisation operate smoothly, adapt to changes, and deliver better project outcomes. They are also generally more confident and passionate about their work. They can motivate themselves to maintain high levels of performance.

Personal skills examples


Communication is a critical personal skill determines how well you share and receive messages. An effective communicator exchanges information and ideas to help reduce misunderstandings and inefficiencies. This can improve teamwork and productivity and contribute to a positive work environment. To become a good communicator, you must simplify complex topics and make them as easy to understand as possible. You can highlight your communication skills in your resume summary, a separate skills section, or professional experience.


Collaboration is the ability to work with others to achieve a common goal. It includes sharing responsibilities, supporting team members, and ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and on time.

Showcase collaboration skills in resumes by detailing successful team projects or cross-functional initiatives where your contribution led to positive outcomes. In interviews, discuss specific examples of how you facilitated teamwork, resolved conflicts, or contributed to achieving team objectives through collaboration.

Time management

Effective time management is essential for maximising productivity and meeting deadlines. It involves prioritising tasks, planning schedules, and staying organised. Highlighting strong time management skills in your resume by showcasing achievements where you successfully managed multiple tasks within tight deadlines. During interviews, provide examples of how your time management skills contributed to project success or enabled you to handle challenging situations effectively.


Motivation drives individuals to set goals, take initiative, and strive for continuous improvement. It involves maintaining enthusiasm, self-discipline, and a proactive approach to tasks. Demonstrate motivation in resumes by highlighting accomplishments driven by personal initiative and determination. In interviews, discuss how your intrinsic motivation and commitment to achieving results have positively impacted your work performance and contributed to personal and professional growth.


Problem-solving skills involve gathering information, evaluating options, and implementing effective strategies. They are critical for analysing issues, identifying solutions, and making informed decisions.

Showcasing problem-solving skills in resumes can be achieved by describing instances where you successfully resolved complex challenges or implemented innovative solutions. During interviews, explain your problem-solving approach, including how you analyse problems, collaborate with others, and achieve positive outcomes through strategic decision-making.

Critical thinking

A woman in a yellow blouse looking at her computer

Critical thinking involves reasoning, evaluating information, and making informed decisions. This skill is essential in the workplace as it helps solve complex problems and improve processes. To enhance your critical thinking skills, research thoroughly, analyse data, manage risks and rewards, and consider all possible options and outcomes.

Showcase this skill on your resume by highlighting instances where your critical thinking led to successful problem-solving. In interviews, discuss specific examples of how you used critical thinking to overcome challenges.

Active listening

Active listening ensures that you fully comprehend messages, preventing confusion and misunderstandings. This skill is vital for smooth workflows and effective communication. Improve active listening by focusing on what the speaker is saying, retaining information, and asking follow-up questions to confirm your understanding.

Highlight this skill on your resume by mentioning roles where effective communication was crucial. In interviews, provide examples of how active listening led to successful collaborations or conflict resolutions.


Leadership involves managing teams and projects, guiding them to achieve the best possible outcomes. Effective leaders provide guidance, delegate tasks, lead by example, and take accountability when necessary.

To improve your leadership skills, develop self-awareness, enhance communication, build trust within your team, and strengthen decision-making capabilities. On your resume, emphasise leadership roles and successful project outcomes. In interviews, share examples of how your leadership contributed to team success.


Adaptability means embracing change and facing new challenges positively. This skill is valuable in the workplace as it helps companies adopt new processes and technologies. Improve your adaptability by stepping outside your comfort zone, shifting priorities, and staying positive when plans change.

Showcase this skill on your resume by highlighting experiences where you successfully adapted to change. In interviews, discuss specific instances where your adaptability led to positive outcomes.


Teamwork involves the ability to relate, communicate, and collaborate effectively with others to achieve shared objectives. This skill is useful in the workplace as it enables you to complete group tasks, support teammates, and resolve conflicts.

To improve teamwork skills, respect everyone's opinions and ideas, assist others with their work, contribute to group decision-making, and offer constructive feedback. Showcase this skill on your resume by highlighting team projects and in interviews by providing examples of successful collaborations.


Management skills can help you oversee and guide people and projects effectively. These skills are crucial for an organisation's success, leading to increased productivity and profitability. To improve your management skills, cultivate self-awareness, enhance your communication abilities, build trust with your team, and strengthen your decision-making capabilities.

Highlight these skills on your resume by detailing leadership roles and successful project outcomes. In interviews, discuss specific instances where your management skills made a significant impact.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, acting tactfully in challenging situations. This skill helps maintain good relationships among co-workers, resulting in a healthy work environment. To develop empathy at work, improve your listening skills, challenge your biases, consider problems from different perspectives, and be willing to offer help.

Showcase empathy in your resume by mentioning instances where you supported colleagues and in interviews by sharing examples of empathetic actions that contributed to team harmony.

Attention to detail

Attention to detail means carefully considering the specifics and completing tasks accurately. This personal skill is crucial in the workplace as it helps improve productivity, efficiency, and the quality of work. To improve this skill, practice double-checking your work, setting aside time for thorough reviews, and staying organised.

Highlight this skill on your resume by mentioning specific projects where your meticulousness led to successful outcomes. During interviews, provide examples of how your attention to detail helped solve problems or prevent errors.

How to display personal skills in the workplace

Being respectful to others

Showing respect towards your colleagues is essential for fostering a positive work environment. Make it a point to compliment them when they do their jobs well and thank them when they help you. Respect can also be shown in challenging situations.

For example, if you disagree with a teammate during a brainstorming session, thank them for their input and provide constructive feedback. This approach maintains respect while addressing the disagreement.

Being empathetic

Workplace empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of your colleagues, which strengthens teamwork and collaboration. Show genuine interest in their well-being, listen to their problems, and offer support.

For instance, if you notice a teammate struggling with their workload, take the time to offer help or even make them a coffee to lift their spirits. These small acts of empathy can make a significant difference in creating a supportive work environment.

Staying calm under pressure

Composure under pressure is vital for effective problem-solving and team leadership. Staying calm in stressful situations can help create a positive work environment. To maintain calmness, try moderating your emotions, communicating clearly, and prioritising tasks.

For example, if an unexpected project issue arises, stay calm, assess the situation, communicate the problem clearly to your team, and prioritise tasks to address the issue efficiently. This approach helps keep the team focused and solutions-oriented.

Engaging with your colleagues

Engaging with colleagues is crucial for fostering positive relationships and building a strong team dynamic. You can actively engage with your colleagues by chatting during breaks, participating in discussions, and offering constructive feedback.

For instance, during a team meeting, you can contribute to discussions, acknowledge others' ideas, and provide thoughtful feedback. This helps create an inclusive and collaborative work environment.


Strong personal skills can help you stand out in today's tough Singapore job market. These skills can make you more valuable to the company if you are employed. continuous learning and skill refinement are essential to improve performance and stay relevant at work. Set goals, identify resources, and actively develop your personal skillset to take your career to the next level.


Man and woman working together at a desk

The following is a list of questions people often ask about personal skills:

  1. What are personal skills, and why are they important on a resume?
    Personal skills are intangible traits that can help you communicate, complete tasks, and solve problems more effectively. Include these skills in your resume, as they can improve your job prospects. Singapore employers favour job seekers with strong soft skills.
  2. How do I identify my personal skills?
    To create a list of your personal skills, think about what helped you succeed in your previous jobs, review your most recent performance appraisal, or use an online soft skill assessment tool.
  3. Can you give me examples of personal skills for my resume?
    The personal skills listed on your resume may include communication, active listening, problem-solving, time management, leadership, critical thinking, teamwork, adaptability, and attention to detail.
  4. What's the best way to describe personal skills in a resume sentence?
    When writing about your personal skills in your resume, use action verbs and quantifiable metrics. For example:
    ⁠“Streamlined digital communication processes, resulting in a 35% reduction in email overload.”
    ⁠“Led a remote team of eight, improving overall project efficiency by 30% through strategic use of online collaboration tools.”
  5. Are there specific keywords I should include when listing personal skills on my resume?
    If you want to get your resume noticed, include soft skills and action verbs that match the job description. Also, avoid using vague or generic phrases such as “team player” or “good communication skills.” Instead, make sure your keywords are specific and descriptive, such as “collaborative leader” or “persuasive speaker.”
  6. Can you show me a sample  resume  with personal skills included?
    Check out this article to find out how to include personal skills in a resume.
  7. Do employers value personal skills more than technical skills?
    Many employers prefer job seekers with good personal skills, even with less experience or fewer technical skills than other applicants. That is because soft skills are usually inherent and harder to develop.
  8. What are the most sought-after personal skills in today's job market?
    According to Singapore Management University, the four skills to fast-track your career growth are data analytics, design thinking, digital literacy and leadership.
  9. How can I stand out from other job applicants by showcasing my personal skills?
    You can stand out from other job seekers by including relevant keywords about your skills in your resume. In your cover letter, mention how you previously showed strong soft skills. Also, highlight your skills during interviews.

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