3 Transferable Skills for a Winning Career

3 Transferable Skills for a Winning Career
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 10 March, 2022

Whatever your career goals may be--a promotion, a new job, or a new industry altogether--it is natural to feel anxious about making a change. Alleviate any fears you may have by sharpening the most important tools in your arsenal: your transferable skills. Developed through your education, training, and employment, transferable skills are universal skills that allow you to excel in any industry or role.

And there may be no better time to master these important skills than today. In our latest COVID-19 Job Report, 21 per cent of candidates surveyed were permanently retrenched, while 16 per cent are temporarily not working. Given the current employment situation in Singapore, we must do all that we can to improve job security and increase our value as employees.

To succeed in your career or land a new job despite these uncertain times, develop these three transferable skills.

1. Leadership skills

Why it matters: Recruiters are always on the lookout for potential leaders who can think strategically, delegate tasks, communicate effectively, and motivate their colleagues. You don't have to be in a managerial position to start honing your leadership skills. Develop this important transferable skill to become an effective team member now--and a successful leader in the future.

Hone your leadership skills: As with any skill, you need to practice to improve. Step up to the plate at work: volunteer to mentor your colleagues and take on more responsibilities for certain projects. This is a great way to show employers that you are ready to take on assignments beyond the scope of your role.

2. Research skills

Why it matters: There's always something new to learn--in life, and on the job. Your ability and willingness to learn shows you want to stay relevant, improving and evolving to keep up with industry trends and take on new roles. That is the kind of employee that companies want on their team.

Hone your research skills: Explore, learn, and analyse. Make time in your schedule to read up on the latest technologies and industry news. Subscribe to trade journals and join professional associations to get insights and advice from your peers. Expand your skill set through online courses.

(Also read: New Skills for the New Normal: How to Upskill for Now and Beyond)

3. Listening skills

Why it matters: In any job or industry, you will always be interacting with clients, colleagues, and business partners. To accomplish tasks and meet customer needs, you should be able to convey--and receive--information accurately.

Hone your listening skills: Communication is a two-way street. When someone is talking to you, practice active listening: give them your full attention and maintain eye contact. Absorb what they are saying and process the information before you respond. To make sure you got all the details right, repeat what they said. They will know you understood them correctly and have taken their input or suggestions into account.

Ready to leverage your transferable skills to advance in your career? Start by updating your Jobstreet profile to emphasise your mastery of these skills. If you can work immediately, add the tag #WorkNow and start searching for #JobsThatMatter to you. Find passion and purpose in your work, no matter what your personal or professional aspirations may be. For more practical tips, expert insights, and industry news, visit the Career Resources Hub.


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Discover Jobs That Matter. Visit Jobstreet today.

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