Lost Your Motivation? Here’s How To Find Passion At Work Again

Lost Your Motivation? Here’s How To Find Passion At Work Again
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 25 July, 2022

We have all felt unenthusiastic about work at some point in our careers. There are many reasons behind this, just as there are many ways to get your interest back. These days, it can be challenging to ask people how to find passion at work, but you may find this helpful. Here are five reasons people lose their motivation on the job – but also five ways to reignite a passion for it.

1. You are experiencing burnout.

Whether you’re the hyper-alert, workaholic Type A, or the tolerant, more steady Type B, work can tire you out. If doing things that used to be exciting has lost their appeal, you may be experiencing burnout. It may appear like you have lost the passion and commitment to work. However, this feeling is normal. The idea of changing careers may have even crossed your mind, just as it has for some Singaporean workers. Again, you shouldn't feel alarmed.

How to Show Your Passion at Work After Burnout

Create rituals to celebrate key checkpoints that mark your progress. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a good dessert after submitting a requirement ahead of schedule. You can also go big by enrolling in the online course you’ve been eyeing after your project wraps up.

Whatever feels like a reward for you, treat yourself to it to celebrate your milestones in the office. When you make a habit of cherishing both your big and small successes, your excitement for work will soon resurface.

Experiment with any of these simple ways to boost your motivation at work and see what works best for you. The more ideas you are open to, the more you will find. Know that the first step is what will power you through your languishment.

2. Your days feel filled with mundane tasks.

Your workday will have tasks that you may not always enjoy doing. Some examples of these would be checking your emails, responding to requests from your colleague, or attending meetings. Before you know it, very little time is left to start working on your to-do list.

Like it or not, you cannot escape these tasks and, sadly, performing them can be draining. You can, however, find clever and efficient ways to accomplish them. 

Organise your time.

Group similar tasks and aim to finish these within a given time. For example, allocate 30 minutes in the morning and the afternoon for reading and replying to emails. You can also use a few hours of uninterrupted time to work on your very own deliverables. 

Check if there are things you can automate to help you maximise your time. If you are filling up an Excel sheet, create a formula so you no longer have to manually input the data.

3. You have outgrown your role.

One reason your motivation has waned may be because of the absence of challenges in your current role. The tasks that used to get you all fired up may have lost their appeal for several reasons. Maybe you don’t feel like you are learning anything new or are no longer growing in your role. 

Set aside some time to review your current role. Analyse which parts of your job give you satisfaction and which areas don’t. More importantly, are you still happy with what you are doing? Research has shown that happy workers are more productive workers.

Look for more learning opportunities.

Speak to your immediate superior and ask for more responsibilities apart from what you currently have. Sometimes, adding to your deliverables can help reignite your passion and commitment at work. 

If you realise opportunities are available, ask if you can take courses to complement your skills. If the company won’t foot the bill for this, seek out a mentor in the office. There are many ways to enhance your role. You just need to be willing to put in the work.

4. Your efforts aren’t recognised.

Another common reason people lose their motivation at work is that they feel undervalued. It is tough to keep doing quality work when you believe your hard work doesn't matter. One way you can snap out of this, albeit temporarily, is to check your current market value. This information will give you an idea about how workers in your industry are getting compensated. You can also see how you can upgrade your skills to those relevant to your role.

Don’t take it personally.

Leaders in the workplace have different styles of making their team members feel necessary. Just because your boss doesn't show their appreciation the way you expect them to doesn’t mean you are overlooked. To understand how you can work better with personalities in your office, learn about different career personalities around you. It will also give you a better idea of how to manage expectations with the people you work with.

5. You feel disconnected emotionally.

If you feel physically and mentally overwhelmed with work, you could end up emotionally exhausted. You must address your social needs in the workplace since this can be a barrier to feeling motivated. 

When you feel that the people you work with accept and understand you, you are more motivated to perform better. On the flip side, you will feel disconnected when you sense that delivering your tasks is all that matters. When this happens, it becomes more challenging to go the extra mile at work.

Look after your social needs in the office. 

Recognise that you need a break, even if it is just to give you 5-10 minutes to look away from your laptop. Use this time to connect with people, whether virtually or in person. Socialising will show you that there are other details around you that matter aside from your looming deadline. Creating connections with those around you will also give people an idea of how to show passion at work.

You can also show up a few minutes early for meetings to chat with your fellow attendees. Another way to establish social connections is to find an opportunity to compliment people. It will make your colleagues feel validated and can start a bond that will be good for both of you. Keep thinking of ways to motivate those around you, and you will see how this will help you, too.

Recognising your passion and commitment to work have waned is the first step to finding ways to address it. Analysing which areas you need to focus on will take you halfway to finding a resolution.

#LetsGetToWork with the mindset that you must prioritise your needs before you can contribute to the workplace. When you choose to care for yourself first, you become a better contributor to any organisation. Discover more articles like these on the Career Resources Hub. You can also download the JobStreet app on Google Play and the App Store for more convenient access anytime, anywhere.

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