Diploma vs. bachelors degree: How do they differ?

Jobstreet content teamupdated on 26 February, 2024

Securing a job often depends on educational qualifications. Diploma courses and degree programmes are the 2 standard qualifications in Singapore that teach and train people in a specific field. Knowing the difference can help you decide which is right for you.  

A diploma course is a shorter programme that focuses on imparting specific job skills. On the other hand, a bachelor's degree is a longer and more comprehensive educational path. It covers a broader range of subjects compared to a diploma course.  

In this article, we'll discuss the intricacies of a diploma and a bachelor's degree. We'll also examine the nature of each course, highlight key differences, and offer insights on both. Here's what this article explains: 

What is a diploma? 

A diploma is an educational qualification offered to students who have completed their O-level or equivalent. In Singapore, you can opt for a diploma programme at polytechnics, art institutions, or other private schools focusing on specific fields.  

Polytechnics like Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) provide diploma programmes in engineering, media, information technology, and health sciences. Art institutes such as LASALLE College of the Arts or Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) offer diploma programmes in fine arts, design, media, and performance.  

The duration of diploma programmes in Singapore is usually between one to three years. While there are full-time diploma programmes, some institutions also offer part-time diplomas that can be completed in 9 to 15 months. This flexibility helps accommodate students with work or family commitments. It also helps them meet their career goals and learn new skills. 

Diploma courses focus on theoretical knowledge and practical skills relevant to specific industries or vocational areas. A diploma certificate is an appealing option for those seeking a more focused and efficient entry into the job market or considering a career change.  

Sectors that often have diploma holders in entry-level roles include:  

The cost of a diploma course can vary depending on the type of diploma course and the field of study.  

It's essential for students to consider the following when estimating the expenses: 

  • institution 
  • programme duration 
  • specific subject 
  • diploma 
  • learning style 
  • career goals 

What is a bachelor's degree? 

A bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree. It includes coursework in a specific area of study. Most bachelor's degrees need about four years of full-time study. In it, students can choose from many subjects for their career path. These include engineering, banking, law, medicine and business administration among others. 

After receiving your bachelor's degree, you can go for a master's degree. You can also opt to study further and get a doctorate. This helps you improve your skills and domain knowledge. Degree holders deciding to pursue higher education have better job opportunities. This is due to their exposure to advanced courses and research-oriented work.  

The cost of a bachelor's degree course depends on the university and your chosen subject.  

Diploma vs. Bachelor's Degree

The key difference between a diploma and a bachelor's degree is cost and time commitment. The learning outcomes, career options, and commitment differ a lot as well. Below is a list of the key differences and similarities between diploma and bachelor's degree programmes: 

Entry requirements 

Bachelor's degree entry requirements include completing pre-university education, such as the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' Level, Polytechnic Diploma, and International Baccalaureate (I.B.) Diploma, or NUS High School Diploma. 

You may need to score high grades in relevant subjects for courses like medicine, law, or engineering. Some universities may also look at qualities like aptitude, positive attitude, and communication skills before admitting you.  

Diplomas usually need GCE' O' Level qualifications but can accept N-Level qualifications with relevant work experience. Admission to polytechnic diplomas from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) depends on Nitec (National ITE Certificate) or Higher Nitec qualifications.  

Time commitment 

Usually, a diploma takes anywhere between one to three years. Diplomas are flexible, allowing students to take a full-time or part-time job. In such cases, the duration for completing the course is higher. They extend the opportunity to working professionals who might want to improve their educational qualifications or learn new transferable skills. 

Bachelor's degrees need students to commit at least 3 to 4 years of full-time study in a university. Some academic degrees can even take 5 or 6 years to complete. 


Bachelor's degrees often offer more practical knowledge and transferable skills than most diplomas. They give you a better understanding of the subject. These programmes also let you participate in research projects, paper presentations, and group assignments. This helps develop problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.  

Diplomas focus on specific vocational or technical skills. They also focus on practical skills and hands-on learning that prepares you for a particular role or industry. These programmes offer real-world experience through internships or work placements. 

Diploma course vs. certificate programmes 

a diverse group sits in discussion during a class in a diploma program

A certificate confirms that a person has completed a series of general education courses or training in a specific skill. Earning a certificate may take a few weeks to a few months. Diplomas and certificates are educational credentials, but they're not the same.  

There are several key differences between diploma programmes and certificates. The time it takes to earn a diploma or certificate differs a lot. Diploma programmes take about a few months to a few years. Certificate programmes are shorter, often lasting only a few weeks to a few months. 

Diploma programmes usually offer a broader level of education than certificate programmes. The institutions or organisations that give out diplomas and certificates also differ. Recognised educational institutions that provide diplomas include:  

  • universities 
  • government colleges 
  • polytechnics 
  • private institutions 

There are several educational and non-educational entities that provide certificates in Singapore. They include companies, training institutions, and non-profit organisations. 

There are two types of certificates. You get an academic certificate after finishing a course of study. Regulatory bodies and certain industries mandate legal certificates that let you work in a particular field. Jobs in healthcare, certain engineering fields, and skilled trades might need a legal certification or licensure.  

There are two types of certificates: academic certificates and legal certificates. Academic certificates are earned upon completion of a course of study. While legal certificates are mandated by regulatory bodies and specific industries to authorise work in particular fields. Professions in healthcare, certain engineering sectors, and skilled trades often require legal certification or licensure. 

The cost of diplomas and certificates is another difference. It's usually cheaper for students to earn a certificate. This is because of the difference in their durations.  

International credentials equivalencies 

Below are international credential equivalencies for diploma and bachelor's degrees: 

The international equivalent of diploma courses 

A diploma is a certificate or document that educational institutions, like community colleges or universities, issue to show that a student has completed a course of study. The term "diploma" can refer to various levels of qualifications in different countries. 

Each country has its educational system and may use the term differently. For example, in some countries, diplomas could be equivalent to a high school qualification. In others, a diploma could refer to a postgraduate degree. 

In many countries, diplomas are like associate degree programmes in the United States or a Higher National Diploma in the U.K. Both take two years of full-time study. 

Singapore universities also offer postgraduate diplomas. They are for people who want to explore their field without long-term studies.  

The international equivalent of a bachelor's degree 

Like diplomas, bachelor's degrees have different names worldwide. But they all refer to the same level of education. 

You may be wondering, is a bachelor's degree an undergraduate degree? Yes, it's usually the degree you earn after completing undergraduate studies. It usually lasts three to four years, depending on the country and course of study. 

For instance, in France, a bachelor's degree is equivalent to a "license." Germans usually refer to a degree as "Bakkalaureus" or "Bachelors". In Australia, it's the same as a bachelor's degree programme. 

These degrees are often equivalent in international contexts for job qualifications and continuing education pathways. Exact equivalencies can vary based on factors such as: 

  • specific subject studied 
  • the course duration 
  • the university's reputation 
  • the educational policies of each country 


a woman wearing a yellow sweater sits writing with a pen

Diplomas and bachelor's degrees each have their unique characteristics. A diploma focuses on teaching specific skills and trades to students. It's usually a part of vocational or technical education. A diploma usually takes a lesser time commitment and is ideal for those who want to develop new skills quickly. 

A bachelor's degree is an extensive academic programme that gives you a thorough knowledge of a specific subject. This in-depth education helps cultivate expertise. It also fosters critical thinking skills for a dynamic and evolving professional landscape. 

Certificates take even less time to earn. They offer a quicker way to gain specific skills. This makes them a practical choice for those seeking a swift entry into the workforce. It might even be a targeted enhancement of their professional capabilities. 

Internationally, qualifications equivalent to diplomas and bachelor's degrees vary in name but often represent a similar level of education. All these courses provide valuable learning to enhance your skills. They also open new professional career paths and increase your employability. 


Below are some frequently asked questions on diploma vs bachelor: 

  1. Is a diploma higher than a bachelor's? 
    ⁠No, a diploma isn't higher than a bachelor's degree. You usually get a diploma after one to three years of study, often in specific vocational schools or technical fields. A bachelor's degree is a higher education qualification conferred after three to four years of full-time study at a university. It gives you a broad knowledge base. It also builds your theory and skills in a subject. 
  2. Does a diploma count as a degree? 
    ⁠No, a diploma isn't equivalent to a degree. A diploma is a programme an educational institution awards to show that a student has completed a specific course of study. It generally takes less time to complete than a degree. It often focuses on vocational training or technical skills. 

    ⁠A degree, such as a bachelor's or master's degree, is a higher educational qualification. It's generally completed after several years of study in a particular field. A master's degree also provides a more in-depth understanding of the subject than a diploma.  
  3. What are some diplomas and certificates equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree? 
    ⁠Qualifications such as the U.K.'s bachelor's degree, Australia's bachelor's degree, and Canada's bachelor's degree are equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree. A U.S. bachelor's degree involves three to four years of full-time study at a university. A bachelor's degree in the U.K., Australia, or Canada is also an undergraduate degree. It requires about three to four years of study. 
  4. Can I pursue further studies with a diploma? 
    ⁠Yes, diploma graduates can pursue further study in related subjects. Earning a diploma can help with higher education. The credits you earn from a diploma may be transferable to a higher level of education. This depends on the institution's policies and may include bachelor's degrees. 

    ⁠For example, the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) considers applicants with local Polytechnic Diplomas and similar qualifications for part-time undergraduate programmes.  
  5. What jobs do not need a diploma? 
    ⁠Many jobs do not need a diploma. Some examples of these jobs include: 

    sales representative
    ⁠administrative assistants 
    ⁠home health aides 
    ⁠personal trainers 
    ⁠customer service representatives 
    ⁠construction workers 
    ⁠truck drivers 

    ⁠While these jobs may not need a formal diploma, they often need other skills, such as: 

    ⁠interpersonal communication skills 
    ⁠physical endurance 
    ⁠customer service skills 
    ⁠specific technical skills 

    ⁠Some of these jobs may not need a diploma but need on-the-job training or certifications. 
  6. What jobs do not need a bachelor's degree? 
    ⁠Many jobs do not need a bachelor's degree. Examples of these include: 

    ⁠real estate agents
    ⁠⁠executive assistants 
    ⁠dental hygienists
    ⁠web developers
    ⁠⁠HVAC technicians 

These jobs may need a diploma or certificate, on-the-job training, or apprenticeships. They may not need a bachelor's degree but relevant skills or certifications instead. The specific job requirements also vary according to the position and location. 

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