Everything you need to know about social networking

Everything you need to know about social networking
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 26 August, 2024

Social networking involves interacting with others who share your interests, occupation, or industry. It may occur in person or on various online platforms. Understanding social networking can help you build connections with the right people and take your career to the next level.

We explore the definition of social networking and provide helpful tips on using it for career development. Here's what we'll cover:

What is networking?

Why is networking important?

How to leverage networking for your career

Disadvantages of social networking sites



What is networking?

Social networking focuses on how social relationships can help you share information and expand your professional and business networks. In the past, people mostly networked through face-to-face meetings and phone calls.

However, things have changed with the advent of the internet. Today, you can use social media and other online platforms to connect with people worldwide.

Over the past decade, online social networks have grown. According to the Digital 2023 Singapore report, 92% of Singaporeans use social media networks. Social media can help you make professional connections and open doors to new opportunities. That's why building a solid online presence for career advancement is important.

Social networking refers to establishing and maintaining relationships with others or organisations in your industry or related fields. It's a critical aspect of your career development, as it can help you expand your knowledge, connections, and opportunities.

Building your professional network can take many forms. These include joining professional associations, attending industry events, seeking mentorship, and participating in online forums and communities.

If you want to connect with specific individuals, you can do so via email, messaging apps, and social media networks. Popular social media networking sites in Singapore include WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Why is networking important?

Social networking is one of the best ways to find and land a new job. It can help you build professional connections that can open doors to opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach.

Networking also enables you to maintain solid relationships with your existing contacts. This can further boost your career development and growth. Let's look at a few advantages of social networking sites.

1. Career development and learning

Social networking facilitates the exchange of information and ideas. It allows you to gain insights into what other people are doing at their companies. This can inspire you to bring new ideas and techniques to your role and help you stand out from your colleagues.

Networking is also a great way to expose yourself to the latest industry trends. It can help you determine what new skills you need to stay relevant in your field. 

Connecting with others on social networks helps you find professional groups, online events, or webinars that can benefit your career. You may also meet an industry mentor who can provide you with the guidance, support, and resources you need to reach your full potential.

2. Increased visibility and personal branding

The more you network with your peers, the higher your visibility in your industry. Great thought leaders can often be influential networkers. They know how to connect with others in their fields, listen attentively, and express their ideas convincingly. By participating and providing meaningful and original insights, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry. This can help you grow your brand.

3. Networking and collaboration

One of the main advantages of online social networking sites is that they give you opportunities to connect with people with similar interests and goals. You can meet people at different professional levels and from different companies across Singapore.

This can expose you to a broader array of job opportunities. Networking allows you to interact with seasoned professionals and use their wisdom and experience to advance your career.

When you use social networks, you may also encounter potential collaborators who can help you with your work. These people may offer unique perspectives that can enhance your creativity and problem-solving abilities. If you're stuck on a project, brainstorming with somebody in your network can get the gears turning again.

How do you leverage networking for your career?

Now that you know the advantages of social networking sites, the next thing to do is to learn how to use them. Follow these tips to build a strong professional network.

1. Craft a professional profile

Your social media profile is like an online business card. It's the first thing your potential connections will see when searching for you on social media.

Make sure you have a well-crafted and up-to-date profile. Use a professional photo and write a compelling summary highlighting your skills, experience, and accomplishments. Consider using relevant keywords to optimise your profile for better visibility.

2. Content creation and engagement

Asian woman looking at laptop wearing a grey hijab

Sharing your expertise through high-quality content can position you as an expert.

To engage your audience, regularly create articles, videos, and infographics that provide value. Post a thought-provoking social networking site essay or article now and then to spark interactions and conversations. Also, join industry discussions whenever you can to showcase your thought leadership.

3. Networking and building connections

One of the most effective ways to grow your professional network is to follow industry leaders on social networking platforms. Liking their posts and leaving comments allows you to present yourself as an engaged and knowledgeable industry member. You can also send them a personalised message to introduce yourself.

Most social media sites have industry-specific groups and communities. Joining these communities is a great way to meet like-minded professionals and learn about the latest industry trends.

It also allows you to connect with potential recruiters in your industry. Make yourself an active member of these groups by sharing your insights, asking questions, and commenting on posts. 

When you network on social media, focus on establishing long-term relationships, not just connections. Personalise your messages to show genuine interest in building relationships with your target audience.

Personalised messages are more effective than generic connection requests. Strong professional relationships can lead to great opportunities for collaboration and career advancement.

Disadvantages of social networking sites

Although it offers many benefits, using social media for networking also comes with some challenges and risks. Below are several disadvantages of online social networking sites.

1. Information overload and time management

Spending too much time on social networking websites can increase your risk of information overload. This is a feeling of overwhelm that results from exposure to an excessive amount of information. It can lead to mental fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, and difficulty making decisions.

In addition, using social media may undermine your ability to manage your time. It can be very time-consuming. You could spend hours browsing your own feed or other people's profiles, which can impact your quality of life. 

Set a time limit for using social networking services to prevent information overload and manage your time properly. Whether 30 minutes a day or two hours a week, try your best to stick to the time limit.

You should also take regular breaks from social media. Schedule a time to disconnect from all online platforms and devices. When you're offline, engage in activities you enjoy, such as spending time with your family and friends, exercising, or pursuing a hobby.

2. Privacy concerns and online reputation management

A social networking site often requires you to provide personal information. This usually allows companies to obtain your web browsing information for advertising purposes. It can jeopardise your privacy and security, making you more vulnerable to identity theft and cyberattacks.

In Singapore, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) says that collecting, using, and disclosing personal data provides guidelines on how organisations should manage personal data responsibly and securely.

Networking on social media platforms also puts you at risk for reputational damage. Sharing misinformation, posting inappropriate or offensive content, and receiving negative comments can all tarnish your online reputation.

To maintain a positive reputation on social media, be mindful of what you share, track your social media mentions, and respond to negative feedback promptly and professionally.

Bottom line

Social networking is a vital tool for your career. It allows you to connect with like-minded professionals to exchange ideas, learn new skills, and seek collaboration and career advancement opportunities.

Devise a strategic approach to social networking for the best results. This may include creating a professional profile, sharing engaging and valuable content, and building long-term relationships. Be aware of the potential pitfalls of social networks and take adequate measures to avoid them.

Networking is not limited to online platforms. Numerous local events, seminars, and professional gatherings in Singapore provide excellent opportunities for face-to-face networking. Platforms such as Meetup and Eventbrite often list events tailored to various industries in Singapore.

Additionally, local professional organisations such as the Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) frequently organise networking events that can be highly beneficial for career advancement.


Check out these questions people often ask about social networking.

  1. Which platforms are best for career networking?
    ⁠The most popular social networking platforms in Singapore are WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. 
  2. What is an example of social networking?
    You can network with your peers in many ways. One example is joining a social media group for your niche or industry.
  3. What are the five types of social networks?
    The answer to the question “What is social network usage?” may vary from one individual to another. It depends on your preferred medium of communication and target audience. There are five main types of social networks: traditional social networks, media-sharing networks, social blogging networks, discussion networks, and review networks.
  4. What is the difference between social media and social networking?

    ⁠Social media and social networking are effective ways to build your professional network. However, they differ in terms of communication style and content. You do most of the talking on social media by sharing articles, infographics, images, and videos. Social networking usually involves deeper conversations that require you to talk and listen.
  5. Is there a difference between social media and social networks?
    Social networks are online and offline platforms where you can meet and interact with other like-minded individuals to exchange information and build connections. On the other hand, social media is a digital technology that facilitates the development of online social networks.
  6. Is connecting with recruiters on social media okay or unprofessional?
    Yes, it's acceptable to connect with a recruiter on social media. However, before sending them a connection request, follow the company, carefully review your profile, and write a personalised message.
  7. Is using social media to connect with colleagues or even my current boss okay?
    Connecting with your colleagues and boss on social media has pros and cons. It depends on your lifestyle, the content you share, and your workplace culture. Befriending your co-workers on social media makes staying in touch with them outside work hours easier and helps build camaraderie. However, posting inappropriate content or responding to a job listing can get you in hot water.

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