From Industries to Benefits: Everything You Need to Know About Working Remotely

From Industries to Benefits: Everything You Need to Know About Working Remotely
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 02 December, 2022

As in the rest of the world, flexible work arrangements have become more common in Singapore due to the global pandemic. Not too long ago, only a few companies practised telecommuting, but now many jobseekers consider it a top priority when looking for a job. Perhaps one of the best employment trends in the last two years was how companies from various industries accelerated their remote-working setups.

How Does Remote Work Work Exactly?

Remote work is a flexible employment arrangement where employees are not confined to a traditional office environment. The umbrella term refers to any job that allows you to be anywhere. It includes working from home, mobile working, telecommuting, or working offsite. 

Thanks to breakthroughs in digital technology, you don't have to complete projects, manage a team, and be in the same physical space. You only need a laptop, a strong and stable internet connection, and a functional mic and headset. 

Today's digital nomads are cubicle dwellers no more. You can even travel while working remotely. Indeed, remote work has even given rise to a sub-genre: workcation. 

3 Common Misconceptions About Working Remotely

Since remote work is a new kind of working arrangement – at least on this scale – you may feel hesitation. Here are some common myths about location-independent jobs. 

Myth 1: Remote work is for IT professionals.

Thinking that only tech-based work has opportunities for remote working is probably one of the more popular misconceptions about working remotely. Even before the pandemic, there have already been remote opportunities for consulting services, media, finance, and even arts and literature. You can even teach remotely, conduct medical consultations online, and attend hearings via Zoom! 

Myth 2: People who work remotely are less productive.

Remote working isn't for everyone. You may require an adjustment period if you're used to being in a cubicle. However, once you set up a routine and train your focus, you'll realise just how effective you can be no matter where you are. After all, having a sense of accountability and responsibility isn't bound by geography.

Check out the best practices for working from home.

Myth 3: You won't build rapport with your team when you work remotely.

Connection isn't a casualty of the digital age. You can translate the ability to communicate well virtually. Be more intentional with your virtual interactions with colleagues to establish rapport. Be on your best behaviour during calls and focus on what you have in common with your teammates. Have regular check-ins and standups. Allot the first five minutes of your meeting to ask how everyone is. 

What Jobs Can Be Done Remotely?

While remote working is available across many fields, it is more effective in some professions than others. For example, a mechanic won't be able to fix cars through a computer screen. Other industries that have remained largely offline are construction, medicine, and food & beverage.

If you want to dive into a more flexible arrangement, here are some of the top jobs you can do remotely.

1. Content Creation

It makes sense that this job can be done remotely. After all, it reached its zenith in the social media era. Content creators produce copies, posts, and other digital assets that stay true to a particular brand or demographic. The role primarily involves ideation and strategy. While it can be high-pressure, you can perform your BAU with a laptop and endless creativity.  

2. Customer Service

A large part of customer service has moved online. Operators, customer care representatives, call centre representatives, and virtual assistants are some jobs that allow more flexible arrangements. 

3. Sales and Marketing 

Generally speaking, roles in the sales and marketing field do not handle sensitive information, making them ideal for remote work. Typically, you just need a computer, a phone, and an internet connection. You can be a social media specialist or a community manager. You can even be a sales representative and do your pitching through cold calls or email campaigns. Try being a marketing manager who handles online campaigns.

Check out JobStreet listings for remote jobs.

Benefits of Remote Work

JobStreet's Decoding Global Talent survey reveals that Singaporeans want to work from home for at least half of every week. Because of this shift in priorities, more employers have made their formats much more flexible. 

Why do workers prefer this setup? Here are some of the perks.

Work-life balance

Remote work allows you to #SEEKBetter. It offers flexibility and autonomy, which helps with work-life balance. You have more leeway on when to start and end your workday – so long as you hit your deadlines and attend crucial meetings. You can arrange your routine to ensure you can take your kids to school, have dinner with your husband, or log off at a fixed hour.

No more commuting

When working remotely, you can choose to work in a location that is more convenient and less costly in terms of time and money. Did you know that commuting can damage your mental and physical health? Imagine not starting the day all haggard from chasing after the MRT. Removing the stress of rush-hour commuting can make you more productive and generally more at ease.

Less exposure to office politics

Though remote work doesn't guarantee an exemption from office politics, the physical distance may minimise gossip and general intrigue. You become a more intentional communicator with office colleagues, making conference calls more effective and reducing the risks of misunderstanding.

Becoming tech-savvy

You learn to navigate the digital space when communicating with colleagues in different locations or even time zones. When working remotely, you may be required to use specific tech tools, which may help make you more comfortable with technology.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Working Remotely

If you’re not sure whether remote working is for you, take this quiz and let the results be your starting point. However, if you are at that point where you are seriously considering it, here are three questions you can ask yourself to give you more clarity.

Question 1: Why do you want to work remotely?

It looks like a simple question but you might be surprised at how challenging it is to give a quick answer. Your reasons can run the gamut of avoiding a long daily commute or wanting to care for a family member. Whatever is making you pursue remote work, be clear about it.

Question 2: How do you feel about interacting with people in person?

Do you draw strength from people around you, or does being around people drain you? Know how social interactions affect you. When you work remotely, you will also have to give up many perks that come with being an employee, such as having bottomless coffee, free all-day air-conditioning, and a big, spacious desk completely dedicated to your work.

Question 3: Do your current competencies match the requirements of remote work?

Do an honest-to-goodness skills audit, and see which of your abilities are a good fit for remote work. Don’t worry if your area of expertise is a better match for in-person jobs. If there is an opportunity for remote work and you feel you are not yet ready, be deliberate about equipping yourself. Find classes or seminars that will complement your current skill sets well enough to match you with in-demand remote jobs in Singapore. Check out ZilLearn for free courses

5 Countries Where You Can Work Remotely

Now that you know about remote working, perhaps you’re ready for a workcation. An offshoot of location-independent professions, work vacations allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds. Finally, you can jet off to a stunning island getaway – without sacrificing your income. 

Because of the popularity of remote work, some countries have started offering a unique visa. The digital nomad visa is for workers who are part of the headcount of companies in their home country but work remotely.

Are you ready to be untethered from your desk? Here are five countries where you can work remotely. Some of them even offer digital nomad visas.


With its fast internet speed and a one-hour time difference, the wide range of cultural activities offered in Japan will make remote work an experience worth looking forward to. 


If the cost of living in Japan makes you think twice about setting up a temporary work camp there, consider Thailand, especially if you are open to living outside Bangkok. Nearby Thailand has a reliable internet connection, terrific food, great shopping, and tourist spots – an ideal venue for work and play. Like Japan, the time difference is only an hour, so you won't have to stay up all night to catch up on meetings.


In addition to its advantageous time zone, fast wifi, and lower cost of living, there is a great digital nomad community in Bali. This country is a haven for remote workers since digital nomads can work online for up to six months without paying taxes by using their existing B2211A visa.


The Iberian Peninsula is another top destination for remote workers – that is, if you can manage the seven-hour time difference. They offer a unique visa for self-employed workers, which lessens the bureaucracy and red tape usually connected with the employment process for foreigners. If you're a big foodie, you'll find satisfaction in the various culinary delights of Spain.


Another European destination, Norway has earned the reputation for being an ideal location for remote workers for three reasons: impressive internet speeds, high rankings in the happiness index, and nearly everyone can speak English. You can eligible for Norway's digital nomad visa if you show proof of income of SGD 5,000 per month.

Whether you're in your home office or working with a beautiful waterfall in the background, the best way to thrive in a remote setup is to remain visible in your organisation. If your speciality falls under one of the top jobs for remote working, then don't be afraid to give it a try. 

Get more insights and tips about new work opportunities in your current line of work or even a new industry you want to try. To help you #SEEKBetter, update your JobStreet profile to get suitable career matches. You can also check out JobStreet's Career Resources page or download our app from the App Store or Google Play

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